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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Cocoon The article “When Love Is Blind” (March 22, 2000) refers to the moth emerging from its chrysalis. However, it is butterflies that make a chrysalis. Moths make cocoons.

V. L., United States

According to “Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary,” the term “chrysalis” can be applied broadly to mean “an insect pupa.” Admittedly, it is more common to use the word in connection with butterflies. However, some sources do apply the term to moths.—ED.

Vasa I want to express my appreciation for the article “The Vasa—From Disaster to Attraction.” (April 8, 2000) As a historian who has done some work on this subject, I can confirm that the article was extremely well researched. It did an excellent job of explaining the events in a balanced way.

T. W., Germany

Legal Victories I’ve recently gone to court for custody of my children, and my ex-husband has made an issue of my religious beliefs. It has been hard. When I read the article “The Battle Is Not Yours, but God’s” (April 22, 2000), tears ran down my face.

D. B., United States

After I read the article, I shared it with local attorneys. I did not get a single rejection. Some even invited me into their offices for coffee and further discussion. A number asked for extra copies for their associate attorneys. All the attorneys were astounded when I showed them that Hayden Covington had won 36 out of 45 cases before the U.S. Supreme Court.

C. M., United States

Teenage Fathers I am writing to express my profound appreciation for the article “Young People Ask . . . Fathering Children—Does It Make One a Man?” (April 22, 2000) I am 28 years old and single, and I serve as a special pioneer, or full-time evangelizer. In this part of West Africa, someone my age without a wife or girlfriend is considered uncivilized and impotent. I am often mocked and looked down on because of this. However, my determination to remain chaste was strengthened by your article.

A. E., Ghana

I lost my virginity as a teenager and committed fornication with one boy after another. I was left feeling filthy each time, and I was often taken advantage of. This led to my becoming depressed. Jehovah helped me to clean up my life, and I am now happily married to a fine man. But it’s good that you publish such articles to help young men realize that what they do can hurt a girl for the rest of her life.

F.A.S., Germany

I feel moved to thank you for putting at least half the responsibility for unwed mothers where it belongs—with the fathers! Too many people believe that since only women get pregnant, nature indicates that it’s the women’s problem and that men do not have to take any responsibility. Continue sensitizing young men to the way God wants women to be treated.

J.M.O., Italy