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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Chronic Illness We have three children—one suffers from Down’s syndrome and another from sickle-cell anemia. Recently, the child with sickle cell had a severe crisis and had to be hospitalized, which was very hard on all of us. I felt that Jehovah answered my prayers when I received a copy of the May 22, 2000, Awake! with the series “Chronic Illness—Coping as a Family.” These articles gave my wife and me the courage to keep going. They also strengthened our hope that soon no one will say: “I am sick.”—Isaiah 33:24.

E.J.M., Brazil

We have a 19-year-old son who suffers from schizophrenia. We have seen many books that deal with illness but have never read anything that dealt with illness from the family’s standpoint, as did these articles. They well described my own inner struggle and suffering, as if my heartfelt cries had been put in writing.

H. T., Japan

For the past ten years, I have suffered from a progressive chronic illness, and the way you described what a person feels really touched me. At times it is very easy to lose one’s mental and spiritual balance, but the brothers in my congregation have shown that they want to understand what I am suffering. With discreet words, they give me the strength to continue living.

M. M., Italy

We read the articles as a family. My daughter developed renal failure and has been on kidney dialysis for five years. This has been extremely difficult for us to cope with. She has had so many near-death crises that we continually live on a knife-edge, wondering when the next problem will occur. But your advice was very good. Each day has to be appreciated. Prayer is also essential. Knowing that Jehovah understands my feelings helps me.

S. J., United States

My heart swelled as I realized that someone understands the pain of being chronically ill! One by one, I have watched all three of my girls begin to suffer from epilepsy, as I do. Articles like this help us to gain understanding and to display the mind of Christ.

G. L., United States

Anacondas I live in a region where there are anacondas. People often tell stories about these snakes, but it is hard to know whether to believe them or not. Your article “Anacondas—Are They Shedding Some Secrets?” (May 22, 2000) helped me to separate fact from fiction, and it answered all my questions about this marvel of creation.

J.S.P., Brazil

Runaway Dads I have been reading Awake! for 25 years, and I believe this subject has never been dealt with. (“Young People Ask . . . Runaway Dads—Can They Really Run Away?” May 22, 2000) Single mothers, yes, but not the responsibility of the young man. I could not understand why if two people commit fornication, only the mother and child pay the consequences. I got pregnant when I was 19. The boy didn’t want to have anything to do with me. Please continue telling young ones to “flee from fornication.”—1 Corinthians 6:18.

C. C., Spain

Greek Theater I can’t tell you how much I appreciated the article “The Theater of Epidaurus—Intact Throughout the Centuries.” (June 8, 2000) I anticipated that the article would be thought provoking, which it truly was. However, I did not expect it to contain so many spiritual tidbits!

K. S., United States