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Insurance That Everyone Needs

Insurance That Everyone Needs

Insurance That Everyone Needs

WHETHER you live where insurance is common or where it is nonexistent, there is a type of insurance that everyone can and should obtain. Since “insurance” can refer to “a means of guaranteeing protection or safety,” how can you avail yourself of that kind of insurance?

You can do so by taking practical steps to reduce the risks to which you are exposed. The Bible observes that “time and unforeseen occurrence” affect everyone. (Ecclesiastes 9:11) Yet, by not taking unnecessary chances, the possibility of suffering injury or loss is reduced.

Think of the Future

Showing practical wisdom is a protection. During times of relative economic prosperity, it may be possible to put aside something for a rainy day—a time of need. In ancient times the God-fearing man Joseph distinguished himself as “a man discreet and wise” by saving up foodstuffs for the whole land of Egypt during a time of plenty. When the land was later struck by famine, Joseph’s actions provided for not only the Egyptians but also his own family.—Genesis 41:33-36.

Being modest in our consumption can also serve as a protection. We can save money and reduce stress by not constantly pursuing the latest gadget, fashion, or entertainment—a course that adds little or nothing to our genuine security. In fact, as already noted, the more material possessions a person has, the greater the possibility of suffering theft or loss.—Luke 12:15.

Be Safety Conscious

We can reduce much of the risk in life by simply being safety conscious. How many tragic car accidents could be avoided if everyone drove carefully and at safe speeds? Think, too, of how many lives would be spared if no one drove while overtired or after drinking alcohol. There are also other driving risks that are within our control.

For instance, in several countries the law prohibits use of a cellular telephone while driving. One study concluded that such use increases the risk of an accident fourfold. That is as much increase in risk of accident as is driving with a blood-alcohol level of 0.1 percent, the point at which in many places a person is considered legally too drunk to drive.

The regular use of seat belts also reduces the risk of death for drivers and passengers. But never assume that having such safety devices as seat belts and air bags or having insurance makes it all right to take chances. Research shows that such thinking leads to more accidents.

Being safety conscious is also good insurance in the home and in the workplace. Are your living and work areas neat and free of hazards? Take a look around. Is there anything in a walkway over which people could trip? Are sharp objects or hot appliances—stoves, heaters, irons—located where people could get cut or burned? Are there accumulations of paper or other flammable materials? Be especially alert for hazards to children. For example, are alcoholic beverages and all poisonous cleaning products out of the reach of small children?

Take Care of Your Health

By being health conscious in a reasonable way, you can lower your risk of illness. In this regard, knowledge can serve as a form of insurance. Be aware of hazards to your health, and take prompt action when health problems develop. More important, learn how to maintain your health and that of your family. Remember the old saying: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Awake! has long provided information that encourages people to live in harmony with Bible principles and thereby avoid habits and life-styles that are damaging to health. For example, among the many subjects considered in Awake! have been the importance of cleanliness, a proper diet, sufficient sleep, and regular exercise as well as the need to control stress and the pace of life.

A Vital Kind of Insurance

In this imperfect world, insurance can be a very practical tool, but no insurance policy can completely protect us or fully compensate for our losses. Yet, whether insurance is available to them or not, there are people who are confident that they will not be left on their own. Why? Because when disasters strike, genuine followers of Jesus Christ—those who serve his Father, Jehovah God—do what they can to ease the burdens of one another.—Psalm 83:18; James 2:15-17; 1 John 3:16-18.

Furthermore, Jehovah himself promises never to abandon his faithful servants. A Bible psalmist wrote: “In case my own father and my own mother did leave me, even Jehovah himself would take me up.” (Psalm 27:10) As the Source of life, Jehovah can resurrect those who die, and according to the Bible, he has empowered his Son, Jesus Christ, to raise the dead. (Psalm 36:9; John 6:40, 44) Yet, God’s Word indicates that not everyone will be resurrected. (John 17:12) How, then, can we ensure that we are remembered by God in the resurrection?

In his famous Sermon on the Mount, Jesus spoke, in effect, about the most reliable form of insurance. He said: “Stop storing up for yourselves treasures upon the earth, where moth and rust consume, and where thieves break in and steal. Rather, store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”—Matthew 6:19-21.

Often people think of accumulating a nest egg in the hopes that it will ensure them a more comfortable life when they are older. Jesus, however, identified a more secure form of insurance. Its value is inestimable, and it will never fail! He explained: “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.”—John 17:3.

By obtaining accurate knowledge of God and his Son and applying what we learn in our lives, we will build up a good record with God. (Hebrews 6:10) Both the apostles Peter and John, basing their beliefs on the teaching of their Master, Jesus Christ, emphasized that the present system of human rule will end. Yet, John explained: “He that does the will of God remains forever.”—1 John 2:17; Matthew 24:3, 14; 2 Peter 3:7, 13.

We can be confident that if we serve God and die, he will resurrect us or that if we live to the time when he brings this system of things to its end, he will preserve us alive into his righteous new world. Indeed, God’s promise is to “wipe out every tear from [our] eyes” and to make “all things new.” (Revelation 21:4, 5) Serving God and placing trust in his promises is truly the best insurance of all. And it is available to everyone.

[Pictures on page 8, 9]

Being conscious of safety and health is a form of insurance

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Learning about God and doing his will is the best insurance for the future