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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Spots The article “Spots Before Your Eyes?” (June 8, 2000) touched my life significantly. I received the magazine just three days before I suffered a partial retinal detachment in my right eye. The symptoms described in the article alerted me to the need to seek medical attention immediately. Laser treatment was used to repair the damage, so that my eyesight was not impaired. Thank you for such well-researched, practical articles.

C. V., South Africa

Propaganda I just finished reading the June 22, 2000, issue, and I thank you for the series “Should You Believe Everything You Hear?” Where I live, it has become fashionable to ridicule the Romanies (Gypsies). People joke about how they supposedly steal. Thanks to the articles, I realize that such jokes are inappropriate, and I have decided not to join in.

K. M., Czech Republic

Living Abroad Thank you for the article “Young People Ask . . . Should I Live Abroad?” (June 22, 2000) I read this series regularly, but I have often had the feeling that some of the dangers you described were exaggerated. Last year I made a trip abroad for a cultural exchange between my school and another university. Although it was an interesting experience, it was not good from a spiritual point of view.

M. P., Italy

This article and the article “Young People Ask . . . How Can I Make a Success of My Stay Abroad?” (July 22, 2000) were “food at the proper time” for me. (Matthew 24:45) I had already decided to spend a year abroad in order to learn a foreign language. So I am really grateful for the suggestions and practical tips.

I. Z., Switzerland

Easter Island The article “A Big Lesson From a Tiny Island” (June 22, 2000) expresses the worries of many people who are concerned about the environment. But I feel that those who take note of the dangers we face are few. When I think of how badly humans have managed this earth, I shed tears.

K. M., Japan

Daylight Saving Time With regard to the article “DST—An Idea Before Its Time?” (July 8, 2000), is DST really something laudable? Our great Creator established the seasons. Who has the right to manipulate that? So-called daylight saving time is something abnormal!

I. L., Germany

Our article neither praised nor condemned DST. We merely reported on its fascinating history. God gave no specific instructions as to how time should be marked off. Current timekeeping systems are therefore arbitrary and not God-ordained. DST does not change the seasons. In view of these facts, it does not appear to violate any divine principle if we adjust our clocks twice a year.—ED.

Smile Thank you for publishing the valuable article “Smile—It’s Good for You!” (July 8, 2000) I fully agree with what it says. It reminded me to think positively at all times so that my smile will be genuine. Yes, smiling helps us to make friends with others. It also helps eliminate tensions.

P. C., China