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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Thinness The article “Young People Ask . . . Why Am I So Thin?” was of great interest to me. (September 22, 2000) I am a 32-year-old woman, but I have always been very thin and very ashamed of the way I look. I’ve been teased all my life, being called names like Matchstick and Bird Legs. This has often made me depressed. I like it when you say that we should seek out people who value us for who we are inside. Christians should not put others down because of their physical traits.

W. L., United States

Genetic Engineering Last night I read the series “Will Science Create a Perfect Society?” (September 22, 2000) I brought it to work, which resulted in a very good conversation with my boss, who is a doctor. The illustrations really stimulated thinking and appreciation. Thanks for the time, effort, and thought that is obviously put into each illustration.

N. M., United States

Thank you for explaining a very complicated subject in a way that all could understand. When scientists decide who can reproduce and who is “unfit,” I wonder if they take into consideration such attributes as love, compassion, and appreciation for spiritual things? More brainpower or better health does not necessarily mean a better person. However, I did have a question. Why is left-handedness called a disorder?

J. C., United States

The statement in question was a quotation from the book “The Biotech Century.” The word “disorder” appeared in quotation marks, indicating that the author used it ironically. The statement highlights some of the ethical challenges that genetic engineering presents. There is the danger that with the power to change the human genetic code, some might arbitrarily declare traits like skin color or left-handedness to be something undesirable.—ED.

Although science is not my favorite subject, the articles touched my heart. Eugenics involves imperfect people pursuing perfection. If they ever attained what they have in mind, the sick and disabled would likely be viewed as “inferior.” Empathy for such ones would disappear. In contrast, God promises to bring man to perfection during the Millennium. (Revelation 20:4, 5) But he will do so without violating our free will.

S. O., Japan

The Universe Thank you so much for the series “The Universe—Did It Come About by Chance?” (October 8, 2000) I am a first-year biology student, and the articles read like a textbook—but written with the theme of an intelligent Creator instead of the theory of evolution. How refreshing to see this information presented in a truthful, reasonable way!

K. L., United States

Life Story The article “My Chief Concern—Remaining Loyal” (October 8, 2000), the story of Alexei Davidjuk, greatly encouraged me. Alexei explained that someone he had trusted for years betrayed his spiritual brothers. The same thing happened to me years ago when our Christian work was under government ban. Two “elders” gave details of our work to the secret police. As a result, we were arrested and interrogated. One of these so-called brothers has since died. The other was expelled from the congregation. However, a short time ago he was reinstated. How grateful I am that I can now greet this brother without any feelings of rancor! That is something that only Jehovah’s spirit can make possible.

D. G., Germany