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Welcome to the “Teachers of God’s Word” District Convention!

Welcome to the “Teachers of God’s Word” District Convention!

Welcome to the “Teachers of God’s Word” District Convention!

MILLIONS WILL ATTEND at hundreds of locations throughout the world. In the United States alone, 189 conventions are scheduled. The first will be held May 18-20, and the last, September 14-16. Likely, one of these three-day gatherings—Friday through Sunday—will be at a city not far from your home.

In most places, the program will begin each day with music at 9:30 a.m. The welcoming address on Friday will be followed by talks on the Bible themes “Kingdom Teaching Bears Fine Fruitage,” “Stirred by ‘the Magnificent Things of God,’” and “Find Delight in Jehovah’s Righteousness.” The morning session will conclude with the keynote address, “Completely Equipped as Teachers of God’s Word.”

The first talk of the afternoon, “Cleansed as a People for Fine Works,” will be followed by the three-part symposium “Teaching Ourselves While Teaching Others.” This will stress the importance of practicing what one preaches in connection with morality, personal Bible study, and the need to resist the Devil’s efforts to mislead us. The talk “Abhor the Worldly Plague of Pornography” will follow. Then the day’s program will conclude with a discussion of Isaiah chapter 60, entitled “Jehovah Beautifies His People With Light.”

Saturday’s talks “Finding Refreshment Under Christ’s Yoke,” “Imitate the Great Teacher,” and “Are You Willing to Serve Others?” will focus on the need to follow Christ’s example. Two hour-long symposiums entitled “Ministers Through Whom Others Become Believers” and “Benefit More Fully From Theocratic Education” will also be featured on Saturday. The morning symposium will provide suggestions on making disciples, and the afternoon presentation will highlight ways we can benefit more fully from Bible study and attendance at Christian meetings. The morning program will conclude with a discussion of baptism, after which there will be opportunity for qualified individuals to be baptized. Many will be anxious to hear Saturday afternoon’s concluding talk, “New Provisions for Our Spiritual Advancement.”

The Sunday morning program includes a three-part symposium that discusses the book of Malachi and provides fine application to situations in our day. This will be followed by a full-costume drama about the rebellion of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram against the God-given authority of Moses. Afterward, a talk will highlight the message conveyed in the drama. The afternoon program will feature the public address entitled “Who Are Teaching All Nations the Truth?”

Surely you will be enriched spiritually by being present all three days. For the location nearest your home, contact the local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses or write the publishers of this magazine. The addresses of all convention locations in the United States, Britain, Canada, Ireland, and Malta are listed in the February 15, 2001, issue of The Watchtower.