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Not for Teenagers Only

Not for Teenagers Only

Not for Teenagers Only

In a letter to the administrative office of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Poland, 25-year-old Jolanta explained that she had been depressed. She has a physical disability that prevents her from walking, and within a six-month period, both her mother and her grandmother had died. But then she began reading the publication Questions Young People Ask—Answers That Work. She wrote:

“I believed that this publication was good for teenagers but not for me,” she said. “How wrong I was! Studying chapters 12 to 16 of the book, I found clear answers to my questions: ‘Why do I get so depressed and feel lonely?’ ‘Why don’t I like myself?’ and ‘Why have I been so grieved after my beloved relatives’ deaths?’”

She continued: “Two points on page 130 appealed to me: ‘Knowing that your grief is normal is a big help in coming to grips with it. But it only prolongs grief to continue to deny reality.’ Reading these words strengthened my grip on my hope to see those who have fallen asleep in death, which added deeper meaning to my life.”

If you would like to overcome your negative feelings and add meaning to your life, we feel that you too will benefit from the book Questions Young People Ask—Answers That Work. To request a copy, fill in the accompanying coupon and mail it to the address provided or to an appropriate address listed on page 5 of this magazine.

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