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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Education I am writing to express my thanks for the series “Education That Leads to a Better Life.” (December 22, 2000) It truly showed how Jehovah, through his organization, is trying to reach all who are righthearted. I was moved when I read how the local television station and newspapers covered the release of Awake! in the Samoan language. It illustrated the fulfillment of Jesus’ words at Acts 1:8: “You will be witnesses of me . . . to the most distant part of the earth.”

J. D., United States

Runaway Dads I am 15 years old and would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the “Young People Ask . . .” articles “Why Did Dad Leave Us?” (November 22, 2000) and “How Can I Cope Now That Dad Has Left Us?” (December 22, 2000) I have had feelings varying from anger to grief and despair. The articles showed that I am not alone in this situation and that my feelings are quite normal. Please continue writing such wonderful articles.

S. L., Germany

I am 10 years old, and I feel as if I have been waiting for these articles my whole life! I suffered so much when Dad left us. The articles came at the right time.

M. D., Germany

Life Story Thank you for the article “Provided With a Hope That Sustains Me.” (December 22, 2000) I have harbored hatred for my father because from the time I was a child, I have watched him abuse my mother. I knew in my head that hatred was wrong, but the feelings were very difficult to control. But then I read of how Tatjana Vileyska tried to overcome hatred for the man who had murdered her mother. I would like to imitate her.

A. K., Japan

Reading of Tatjana’s traumatic experience in losing her parents moved me to tears. Such personal experiences are a constant reminder to me that many people all over the world are enduring tremendous difficulties with success and finding joy despite their personal struggles.

J. R., United States

I have just finished reading the gripping story of Tatjana Vileyska. Her story is one that I won’t soon forget. To go through what she experienced before learning the truth from the Bible and still survive with a smile on her face is nothing short of a spiritual miracle.

S. S., United States

Saving Marriages Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the series in the Awake! of January 8, 2001, “Can We Save Our Marriage?” A year ago my wife and I were having marital problems. We were both raised in homes where anger was unleashed regularly. So we would say words that really hurt each other, and things would get out of hand. But we have begun to apply Bible principles, and we are now very happy.

R. O., United States

As a congregation elder, I have found that one of the most challenging situations I face is trying to assist those who feel that they are trapped in a loveless marriage. To be sure, we have had more than enough Scriptural counsel through the publications over the years. However, by looking at the cover of the magazine, I could see that it was going to be just what we need to provide more direct assistance to such ones. The articles did not disappoint me!

L. R., United States