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The Challenge of Caring for Children

The Challenge of Caring for Children

The Challenge of Caring for Children

Britain is a prosperous Western country. Yet, it is estimated that every year more than 100,000 of its children—twice as many as previously believed—run away from home. As a result, 1 in 7 suffers violence or sexual assault.

“When children feel alienated and rejected, running away can seem a sort of solution,” says Ian Sparks, chief executive of the Children’s Society, adding: “This issue cuts across class boundaries—children are almost as likely to run away from a leafy suburb as an inner-city estate.”

It is a heavy responsibility to care for and train children. Where is help available? The publication The Secret of Family Happiness is designed to meet this need. Its 16 chapters include: “Train Your Child From Infancy,” “Help Your Teenager to Thrive,” and “Protect Your Family From Destructive Influences.” All 16 chapters in the book contain practical advice and, more important, draw on the Bible as a source of wisdom superior to our own.

You can request a copy of The Secret of Family Happiness by filling in and mailing the accompanying coupon to the address shown on the coupon or to an appropriate address listed on page 5 of this magazine.

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