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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Loveless Marriages My marriage had lost its sense of direction. It seemed that my husband and I did not love each other but only put up with each other. Sometimes I thought of getting a divorce. But thanks to the series “Can We Save Our Marriage?” (January 8, 2001), our love has been resurrected.

E. R., Spain

I am a Christian wife, but this past year my marriage has been miserable. Because my husband and I had hurt each other so very much, it seemed impossible to restore our relationship. But when I read these articles, it was as if Jehovah were saying, ‘Don’t give up!’ I was motivated to take positive steps myself to rekindle the warm love we once had for each other. I have already begun sensing a response. I will read these articles over and over again.

N. H., Japan

I was recently baptized and have had opposition from my unbelieving wife. Your articles have helped me to see how I can turn my marriage around. They could not have come at a better time.

W. S., Australia

Since I have a happy marriage, I began reading these articles with the thought that they would be useful in helping others. But from its very first lines, the series contained practical points that could strengthen my own marriage bonds.

M. D., Italy

A Christian sister in my congregation told me that she had had a conflict with her unbelieving husband and that they had separated. Some time later she told me that things had become much better. She had “devoured” these articles, and they had greatly helped her to resolve the problem. She said that the comments on communication were particularly useful. She and her husband are back together.

N. S., Canada

Ventriloquism I was confused by the article “Who’s Talking?” (January 8, 2001) Isn’t this the means Satan used to deceive Eve? Deception and trickery should not be part of a Christian’s life.

B. H., United States

However Satan deceived Eve, it could not have been a true form of ventriloquism, since that skill involves specific breathing and vocalizing techniques and Satan is a spirit creature. There is no Scriptural objection to using ventriloquism as a form of entertainment. Naturally, it would be wrong to use such a skill to deceive someone maliciously or to promote spiritistic practices, as some may have done in Bible times. (Isaiah 8:19)—ED.

I too enjoy practicing the art of ventriloquism and have performed it at many Christian gatherings. As the article pointed out, the human ear is a very poor locater of the direction of sounds. Amazingly, though, you can’t fool an animal in this regard. If I use my doll to talk to my dog, he will look, not at the doll, but at me. Jehovah gave animals very keen ears.

L. R., United States

Bald Dog I have a rule—I always read the articles in which I have the least interest first. Since I really do not like dogs, the first article I read in the January 8 issue was “Have You Met a Xoloitzcuintli?” By the time I finished reading the article, I almost wanted one of those dogs! Of course, I soon came to my senses. Anyway, I have to say that in 40 years of reading your magazines, I have never been disappointed. Often I end up enjoying the very articles I thought I would not like.

D. W., United States