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The Article Came on Time

The Article Came on Time

The Article Came on Time

“I WOULD like to thank you for the article ‘Spots Before Your Eyes?’ in the June 8, 2000, issue of Awake!” writes Gloria, who lives in Quebec, Canada. “For a few years now, I have noticed small spots and was told it was normal. Lately I started seeing many more, and it bothered me.

“The article said that if you notice an increase in spots, it is better to have your eyes checked. That is what I did. I saw an ophthalmologist, and he found a tear in my retina. The doctor recommended minor laser surgery and tried to explain the procedure to me. I showed him the illustration of the eye on page 24 of Awake! He used the illustration to explain things to me and then looked at the cover and said, ‘Oh—Awake!’ and kept the magazine in his file.

“The operation went well, and I am very happy. Thanks to Awake! I was made aware of this rupture just in time, as otherwise my retina could easily have detached more.”

Although Awake! is not a medical journal, it often includes informative reports on health and medicine. While even the best of medical treatment cannot give us perfect health, the Creator of the human body offers such a guarantee. How does he purpose to heal humankind? Can his promises be trusted?

You will find these and other questions answered in the 32-page brochure Does God Really Care About Us? You may especially enjoy reading part 10, entitled “The Marvelous New World of God’s Making.” You can request this brochure by filling in the accompanying coupon and mailing it to the address shown on the coupon or to an appropriate address listed on page 5 of this magazine.

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