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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Comfort for the Sick I am 22 years old, and I have suffered with a degenerative cancer for most of my life. I appreciated the cover series “Comfort for the Sick.” (January 22, 2001) How comforting it was to know that Jehovah understands the feelings of frustration and anger that overwhelm me! I could identify with William and Rose Meiners and the manner in which they dealt with their situation. Jehovah knows how to sustain those who love him!

A.C.C., Chile

Fire Extinguishers Thank you for the article “Fire! Which Extinguisher Should You Use?” (January 22, 2001) Please send 130 copies of this issue so that we can distribute them to each of our employees to take home to their family.

D. F., United States

Thank you for your hard work on this article. There is no other 32-page magazine that covers such a wide variety of helpful information. However, I would like to point out that where you refer to a “dry powder” extinguisher, I believe you meant a “dry chemical” extinguisher. Dry powder extinguishers, which have a yellow star containing the letter D, can be used only for metal fires, whereas dry chemical extinguishers can be used for ABC or BC fires.

J. H., United States

Thank you for the clarification. In some lands the term “dry powder extinguishers” includes what are known in the United States as dry chemical extinguishers. Since “Awake!” is an international magazine, it is inevitable that variances in terminology will arise from time to time.—ED.

Too Young to Date? I really enjoyed the article “Young People Ask . . . What if My Parents Think I’m Too Young to Date?” (January 22, 2001) I am 17 years old, and I have come to the conclusion that I am not yet ready for marriage or to provide for a family. This article helped me to think twice before dating and also to use discernment when I do decide one day to date and to marry.

A.M.H., United States

Being only 15 years old, the pressure I get in high school to date can be very draining. It is encouraging to know that I have support from the Bible and from fellow Christians. This helps me to remain firm in my stand!

L. M., Canada

I could relate to the picture of the two youths talking on the phone because that is where I could see myself going. I had to cut off association with one person because I know I’m not ready to date. Articles like this cheer me on in sticking to my decision to wait.

M.R.C., United States

I am 14 years old. This article really helped me to understand how risky it is to date at my age, since I’m really not ready for marriage. The article helped me to see the need to work on my relationship with Jehovah right now rather than pursue a romance.

A. P., Canada

It seems that this article was written just for me. I thought that my parents were too strict with me and did not understand my feelings. Now I understand that they are doing everything possible to help and protect me. I can’t wait to read future “Young People Ask” articles!

H. E., Romania