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How Should Children Be Disciplined?

How Should Children Be Disciplined?

How Should Children Be Disciplined?

“Problems occur when children are told that they are great no matter what they do,” says Canada’s National Post newspaper. Some parents believe that this approach builds self-esteem in their children. However, according to psychologist Roy Baumeister, “high self-esteem is fine when it’s based on genuine achievement, but parents should concentrate on teaching children self-control.”

A parent who fears to correct his or her child when the child takes a false step is doing the young one harm. After all, correction is a method of instruction. As such, it teaches an erring child to avoid repeating mistakes. Of course, parents need to keep from giving correction in a way that is harsh and out of proportion to the wrong that has been committed. (Jeremiah 46:28) They should make sure that correction is not excessive. The Bible states: “You fathers, do not be exasperating your children, so that they do not become downhearted.”—Colossians 3:21.

In the Bible, correction is consistently linked with love and mildness, not with anger and brutality. The skillful counselor should be “gentle toward all, . . . restrained under evil, instructing with mildness those not favorably disposed.” (2 Timothy 2:24, 25) Therefore, parental correction should not be merely an emotional outlet for the parent. In no way does the Bible endorse using tactics that can harm a child.

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