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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Siberian Exile I want to express my deep appreciation for the story of Fyodor Kalin in the series “Religion in Russia—What Is Its Future?” (April 22, 2001) It was moving to read about the deportation of his family to Siberia and about how they remained faithful and joyful even during the most trying of circumstances. I had the privilege of visiting some of our Christian brothers in Moldova some years ago, and I will never forget their stories about their deportation to Siberia. Their trust in Jehovah and their faith encouraged me to remain faithful myself.

G. F., Sweden

Deaf and Blind Thank you for the article about Janice Adams, “Though Deaf and Blind, I Found Security.” (April 22, 2001) I would never have thought that someone who is deaf and blind could have encouraged me so much. My husband and I have been going through many bouts of sickness, both physical and emotional. Articles like this give us renewed faith to endure right down to the end.

P. G., United States

We often take what we have for granted, perhaps missing a Christian meeting because of a simple headache. But even though Janice had reasons for staying home—such as her depression and the abuse she had suffered—she leaned on Jehovah to give her the necessary strength to lead a spiritually active life.

C. D., Italy

I am in excellent health, so my experience is different from that of Janice. But because of the bullying that I experienced in elementary school, I often suffer depression. I cry and cry and feel really awful. I receive encouragement from fellow Christians and support from my parents. Even so, I thank you from my heart for Janice Adams’ story. It gave me courage.

M. T., Japan

Grandparents Thank you for the article “Young People Ask . . . Why Should I Get to Know My Grandparents?” (April 22, 2001) My grandma and I had a very special bond. When my parents were divorcing, I was full of questions and tears. My grandma was always there for me. She would take me out preaching, inculcating in me a love for the ministry. I followed in her footsteps by becoming a full-time evangelizer four years ago. Even after she got Alzheimer’s disease and didn’t know who I was, her eyes gleamed when I read her scriptures about Paradise. She fell asleep in death in September 2000. Thank you so much for teaching youths the importance of our grandparents.

C. R., United States

My parents have been divorced for ten years. Because of a self-imposed feeling of loyalty to my mother, I cut off relations with my father’s family. But after reading these articles, I see the importance and benefits of having a healthy relationship with my grandparents. Because of those articles, I now have some Bible-based suggestions for cultivating that relationship.

G. V., United States

Although my four grandparents are not Christians, I have a good relationship with them. I also have a “grandmother” in the congregation—a Christian sister in her late 60’s. When I have a problem, she reads the Bible to me and encourages me. Sometimes she just holds my hand or puts her arm around my shoulders. At times, it doesn’t feel as though there is any age difference between us.

M. K., Japan