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“Please Help Me! You Are My Only Hope”

“Please Help Me! You Are My Only Hope”

“Please Help Me! You Are My Only Hope”

THE ABOVE IS HOW A DOCTOR at the Kaunas Medical University in Lithuania concluded a letter to the office of Jehovah’s Witnesses in that country. The doctor explained:

“At work I began reading the book Questions Young People Ask—Answers That Work. I planned to use information from it in some of my articles, but something happened and the book disappeared. Apparently someone took it. This bothered me quite a bit—the fact that I lost something that is such a treasure. Please be so kind as to send me another copy.

“I badly need this book because I visit schools and work with young people, and this book helps me answer many of their questions. If I receive another copy, I will keep it at home and take good care of it. This book contains something very valuable, and that is why someone must have taken it. In these difficult times, it is necessary to derive strength from somewhere. Please help me! You are my only hope.”

The Young People Ask book addresses many questions that youths ponder, such as: “How Can I Get My Folks to Give Me More Freedom?,” “Should I Leave Home?,” “How Can I Make Real Friends?,” “What Career Should I Choose?,” “What About Sex Before Marriage?,” and “How Do I Know If It’s Real Love?” The above are only a few of the chapter titles. To request a copy of this book, fill in and mail the coupon below to the address shown on the coupon or to an appropriate address listed on page 5 of this magazine.

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