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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Good Health The amount of comfort and encouragement I received from the series “Good Health for All—Is It Possible?” (June 8, 2001) was immeasurable. I suffer from a psychiatric disorder, and I have contemplated suicide in the past. Every day I wonder, ‘How will I get through the day?’ This magazine reminded me of Jehovah’s promise at Revelation 21:4 to ‘wipe out every tear from our eyes.’

C. T., Japan

Thank you for your excellent articles. As a practicing naturopathic physician, I look forward to the day when there will be no sickness. Then I can rest from my labors and take up farming—my second-favorite work!

B. C., United States

Poetry May I say how thrilled I was to read your article “Painting With Words.” (June 8, 2001) Since retiring, I have taken to writing poetry, which gives me great enjoyment and fulfillment.

J. B., Britain

Since childhood I have had love for the written word, and that is how I discovered the art of poetry. Thank you for mentioning that “beautiful poetry is rarely the work of a shallow mind.” Many people believe that writing poetry is a sign of weakness. This form of literary expression is one of the most beautiful, and I am glad to know that our Creator thinks so too.

M. T., Chile

Cathedrals I enjoyed the article “Cathedrals—Monuments to God or Men?” (June 8, 2001) But isn’t it true that Jehovah’s Witnesses build rather large Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls?

R. B., United States

“Awake!” responds: We criticized the building of cathedrals not simply because they are big but because the driving force in building them was often what one historian called the “arrogant pride” of religious leaders. Also, financing these huge structures often worked an extreme hardship on parishioners. By way of contrast, Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls are modest structures that are not built to bring praise to any humans. Rather, they serve as places of worship. These halls are financed by voluntary contributions and do not impose an unreasonable financial burden upon anyone.

Moths I am 14 years old, and I was impressed when I read the article “The Beautiful Moth.” (June 8, 2001) I have always thought that moths were scary looking, but having read this article, I will think twice before swatting them!

D. S., United States

While I was reading the article, a moth landed near my feet. I had never seen a moth that was so beautiful! Nature is truly wonderful, and if we observe it, our love for God can only deepen.

G. P., Italy

Not appreciating the beauty and variety of moths that Jehovah has made, I thought of them as drab insects. Soon after I read the article, a beautiful moth came near me while I was watering my plants. I thanked Jehovah for his creation and for the article that made me more observant.

C. S., United States

Red Tide As an educator, I’ve been teaching a subject that deals with the proper handling and managing of our coastal resources. I almost gave up looking for an article that clearly explained red tide. Then the article “When the Waters Turn Red” (June 8, 2001) came to the rescue. Thank you very much for publishing it.

J.O.P., Philippines