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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Water The series “Water​—Will There Be Enough?” (June 22, 2001) was very informative. I noticed, though, that you say that “the production of one ton of steel can consume 280 tons of water.” There must be some error here. As a water consultant, I know that in some Indian steel mills, we only consume 20 to 23 tons of water.

N.K.K., India

“Awake!” responds: The figure we cited actually refers to how much water is used in the production of steel​—not how much water is “consumed.” It turns out that most of the water used in steel production is not consumed but recycled. We regret the misunderstanding.

Dalmatin Bible While reading the article “The Dalmatin Bible​—Rare but Not Forgotten” (June 22, 2001), I was surprised to read on page 15: “Apparently, he [Dalmatin] translated from the original languages but with close reference to Martin Luther’s German translation of the Latin Vulgate.” I thought that Luther translated from the original Bible languages.

R. S., Germany

“Awake!” responds: We did not mean to imply that Luther used the “Vulgate” exclusively when translating the Hebrew Scriptures. Though no one knows all the details regarding Luther’s German translation, it is generally accepted that the “Vulgate” was one of the tools Luther used in understanding the original-language texts. Luther no doubt also used other sources available at that time, such as the Greek translation known as the “Septuagint.”

Navajo I wanted to thank you for the uplifting and beautiful article “God’s Name Changed My Life!” (July 8, 2001), as told by the Navajo woman Sandy Yazzie Tsosie. Her words touched my heart and brought me to tears. To read about her journey to find love and happiness and to overcome her depression has given me hope. I realize just how much Jehovah God loves us all!

A. S., United States

Unspeakable Tragedy I thought that certain things only happened in the movies. So I was shocked to read the experience “Coping With an Unspeakable Tragedy.” (July 22, 2001) As soon as I finished reading it, I prayed and asked Jehovah to support Jonathan, Oscar, and Oscar’s grandparents. Experiences like this spur us on to give the best of ourselves to Jehovah before “time and unforeseen occurrence” befall us.​—Ecclesiastes 9:11.

E. P., Italy

Reading the horrific story of the tragedy that struck Theresa and her family touched me to the depths of my heart. I really want her family to know that I too cannot wait to embrace Theresa in the new world promised by Jehovah.

L. T., Italy

I have held back from getting baptized for six years now. I did not have the determination to make certain changes. But the experience of Theresa caused me to meditate. I came to the conclusion that I am not able to live without Jehovah, and I poured out my heart to him. Even though the family’s experience was tragic, it encouraged me.

M. L., Czech Republic

I was surprised that one of Jehovah’s Witnesses would be the victim of such a crime, but the article helped me to realize that Jehovah does not give us miraculous protection. I do not know when I may confront tragedy myself, but seeing the strong faith of Theresa’s family in dealing with this situation has made me determined to stand up to any test.

S. O., Japan