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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Worrying I want to express thanks for the article “Young People Ask . . . How Can I Stop Worrying So Much?” (September 22, 2001) I am 17 years old, and every day I wonder how my life will turn out after I graduate from high school. I try to keep my worries to myself because I don’t want to bother others, so I suffer inside. The article helped me to see the value of talking with my mother and with mature ones in the congregation.

L. R., United States

I am 17 years old. I frequently worry about my mother’s health, my schoolwork, and household chores. My mother is always elbowing me at Christian meetings when counsel is given about worrying. So I appreciated the practical suggestions in the article about prioritizing my time and also about doing unpleasant tasks rather than putting them off. Thank you for this article.

H. H., United States

As a father and Christian elder, I can see that our youths are concerned about the future. Your advice to talk things over with parents and to handle problems promptly is good. Thank you for your continued interest in our young people.

R. H., Canada

Depressed Teens I had a school assignment to write a paper on a social issue of my choice that would be appropriate for adolescents. I used the September 8, 2001, cover series, “Help for Depressed Teens.” There is a lot of depression among teens in the area where I live. I have used Awake! in the past with other assignments​—and I received impressive grades!

S. H., Australia

Our teenage son suffered from an infection in his heart and brain. The disease was treated, but the greater danger​—the accompanying depression—​remained undetected. Our son took his own life. Although it is too late to help him, this series did, nevertheless, help us a great deal in understanding his disorder. We were filled with appreciation that this subject was discussed and that you showed such loving care for our youngsters.

G. & G. R., Germany

There are times when I feel really low and begin to think I am worthless. I have felt ashamed to talk about my feelings with my Christian parents or the congregation elders. However, when I read the sentence that said, “You are not to blame for your condition,” I was so relieved! And I realized again that I am not alone.

H. T., Japan

Watching the World I am writing to congratulate you on the very funny drawings included in “Watching the World.” They help me to remember the news items they illustrate and, above all, they make me smile. Continue with your excellent work!

A.I.P.B., Spain

Maya Calendar I believe I spotted an error in the article “The Maya​—Yesterday and Today.” (September 8, 2001) The picture appearing with the box “The Maya Calendar” is actually the Aztec calendar of the sun. More precisely, it is the center portion of the calendar, depicting the Aztec sun-god.

R. S., United States

“Awake!” responds: It seems that our reader is correct. Apparently, the photo was incorrectly labeled by its commercial supplier. Unfortunately, the mistake was not caught before the magazine went to press. We apologize for the inaccuracy.