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Her Initiative Was Rewarded

Her Initiative Was Rewarded

Her Initiative Was Rewarded

MANY YOUTHS AMONG JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES set a fine example in speaking boldly about their faith. Consider Stella, a teenager from Salonika, Greece. “At one of our Christian meetings,” she says, “ways of using our videos to help others get to know Jehovah were discussed. I thought of a way I could use the video Jehovah’s Witnesses​—The Organization Behind the Name. The following day I spoke to the school principal, and I suggested that the video be shown at school. To my surprise, he had no objection​—as long as the teachers agreed.

“Later the same day, the principal told me that the video could be shown the following week​—but only after school. I was disappointed because I thought that my classmates would not sacrifice their free time to see the video. Nevertheless, the next day I invited everyone to attend. Not only did they accept but they also invited students from other classes. Six teachers​—including a theologian—​came to see the video as well.

“Everyone paid rapt attention. Afterward, the principal invited me to moderate a question-and-answer discussion. Many students were impressed with the volunteer work carried out at the headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses, which was shown in the video. ‘Even though they are not paid, they perform their tasks with joy!’ one student exclaimed.

“I told all in attendance about our Bible-based publications. I also distributed Kingdom News No. 36, ‘The New Millennium​—What Does the Future Hold for You?’ The principal asked for more copies so that he could give them to the teachers who were not present.

“Afterward, many students talked to their friends about the video. I was glad that I had taken this opportunity to give a witness. My classmates show me more respect; but more important, they show respect for the God I worship!”