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“The Scene of This World Is Changing”

“The Scene of This World Is Changing”

Come, Hear the Public Address

“The Scene of This World Is Changing”

THESE ARE TUMULTUOUS TIMES. World-shaking events seem to follow one after another at a breathtaking pace. Do you ever find yourself feeling overwhelmed and bewildered by it all​—that everything around you is changing too fast?

The Bible contains this astute observation about human affairs: “The scene of this world is changing.” (1 Corinthians 7:31) The apostle Paul, who wrote those words, was comparing world events to the changing scenes on the stage of a theater. Throughout history, world leaders and trendsetters have come and gone on the world stage, the new replacing the old, again and again. But in our day​—especially since the pivotal year 1914—​the process seems to have accelerated.

Did you know, though, that these world troubles​—even the most recent ones—​also mean good news for mankind? Yes, they actually constitute proof that the world scene will soon change for the better. The Bible long ago foretold the severe distress of our times. It also explains that all such tumult is only a prelude to the greatest change ever to sweep human society. This coming upheaval, frightening though it may sound, is really the best of news for good-hearted people everywhere. The scene of this world will change to one of peace and happiness for the human family.

Would you like to know more about these changes and how the Bible explains them? You are cordially invited to attend the public discourse entitled “The Scene of This World Is Changing,” at the district conventions of Jehovah’s Witnesses beginning this month. The conventions will be held at hundreds of locations around the world. To find out about the convention nearest you, please contact Jehovah’s Witnesses in your area or consult the February 15, 2002, issue of the companion to this journal, The Watchtower.

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An atom bomb devastates Hiroshima, 1945

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USAF photo

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The Berlin Wall comes down, 1989

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AP Photo/Lionel Cironneau

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Terrorists attack the World Trade Center in New York, 2001