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You Are Invited to the “Zealous Kingdom Proclaimers” District Convention

You Are Invited to the “Zealous Kingdom Proclaimers” District Convention

You Are Invited to the “Zealous Kingdom Proclaimers” District Convention

IN THE UNITED STATES alone, 194 conventions are scheduled. The first will be held there May 17-19, and the final one in mid-September. One of these three-day gatherings​—generally held Friday through Sunday—​will likely be in a city near you.

In most places, the sessions will begin with a musical program at 9:30 a.m. On the first day, the welcoming address will be followed by a part that features interviews with Kingdom proclaimers. Then, after the talks “Take Exquisite Delight in Jehovah Himself” and “Show Yourselves Thankful,” the morning session will conclude with the keynote address, “Kingdom Proclaimers Fired With Zeal.”

The Friday afternoon session will include a three-part symposium, “Micah’s Prophecy Strengthens Us to Walk in Jehovah’s Name,” as well as the talks “Maintain Chastity by Safeguarding Your Heart” and “Guard Against Deception.” Finally, excellent help will be provided in connection with the Christian ministry during the day’s final discourse, “Worship the Only True God.”

The Saturday morning session will include the three-part symposium “Kingdom Proclaimers Who Glorify Their Ministry.” It will be followed by the encouraging talks “Why ‘Pray Incessantly’” and “Spiritual Conversation Builds Up.” The morning program will conclude with a discussion of dedication and baptism, after which there will be opportunity for qualified individuals to be baptized.

The Saturday afternoon program will feature the final three-part symposium of the convention, “The Quality of Our Faith Tested by Various Trials.” The parts will provide Christians with help to face the challenge of maintaining neutrality. Saturday’s program concludes with a convention highlight, the heartwarming talk “Draw Close to Jehovah.”

The Sunday morning program will especially direct attention to young ones, opening with the talks “Is Your Confidence in Jehovah?” and “Youths​—Build for the Future With Jehovah’s Organization.” The latter part will include 20 minutes of interviews. This will be followed by a full-costume drama about Jeremiah, who when appointed as a prophet protested, “I am but a boy.” (Jeremiah 1:6) Afterward a talk will highlight the message conveyed in the drama. The afternoon program will feature the public address, “The Scene of This World Is Changing.”

Surely your life will be enriched spiritually by your being present all three days. For the convention location nearest your home, contact the local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses or write to the publishers of this magazine. In its issue of February 15, 2002, our companion magazine, The Watchtower, lists all the convention locations in the United States, Canada, Britain, and Ireland.