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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Arthritis I was deeply touched by the series “Hope for Arthritis Sufferers.” (December 8, 2001) I am 21 years old, and I have suffered from severe arthritis and its consequences for nearly 15 years. This series was a real encouragement to me, and it bolstered my determination to keep on enduring.

A. F., France

I serve as a full-time evangelizer, a privilege I treasure but one that day by day is becoming more difficult to carry out. My condition has been diagnosed as osteoarthritis. Daily I am in pain, and at times, the frustration I feel causes me to become depressed. Thank you for such a timely article and for the reminder that our true comfort comes from embracing Jehovah’s promise of a new world.

H.M.A., United States

I suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, and I am presently recovering from a severe attack of this disease. These articles accurately described the suffering experienced by someone afflicted by this disease. It was good to learn more about it and what can be done to reduce its effects.

G.F.F., Portugal

I am 21, and I learned that I had juvenile rheumatoid arthritis when I was just 10. I have read many experiences in medical magazines, but nothing has compared with reading about my spiritual brothers and sisters experiencing the same things as I am. Like Katia, mentioned in the articles, I have not been able to continue my career as a full-time evangelizer. It meant so much to read of how others deal with feelings of frustration and guilt for not being able to do more in Jehovah’s service.

H. M., United States

My chronic rheumatoid arthritis was diagnosed a year ago, when I was 24. I had to stop my service as a full-time evangelizer. I fell into despair. Because of the intense pain and fatigue, I now do just half of what I used to. I have been comforted by this article, knowing that others feel the same physical and emotional pain. I also enjoyed the practical information on doing what I can. I wait for the day when “the lame one will climb up just as a stag does.”​—Isaiah 35:6.

T. U., Japan

A year ago I began experiencing severe pain in some of my joints. Since I am middle-aged, I never dreamed it could be arthritis. Your article helped me to see the need to be balanced and modest in what I expect of myself.

B. P., United States

I am 19, and I have arthritic wrists, ankles, and knees. I especially appreciated the subheading “Respecting Your Limitations.” I came to Ecuador from the United States with the intention of serving as a full-time evangelizer here. But because of the weakness, fatigue, and pain, I can only go out in the ministry for short periods. I’ve decided that I am going to return home for treatment, and I hope to return here once I am well.

J. S., Ecuador

Fêng Shui Thank you for the article “Fêng Shui​—Is It for Christians?” (December 8, 2001) I am an interior designer, and I was recently asked by a client to employ fêng shui in the design. I was apprehensive, as I didn’t know much about the practice. The article came just in time! Now I’ve decided not to involve myself in this design philosophy.

C. V., United States