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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Courage Amid Disaster Thank you for the cover series “Courage in the Face of Disaster​—The Day the Twin Towers Collapsed.” (January 8, 2002) I was deeply moved by these articles, and they made me realize how time and unforeseen occurrence can affect any of us. I grieve when I think of the many lives that were lost.

S.B.R., Denmark

Thank you for publishing “Tatiana’s Prayer.” I had already been weeping while reading the cover series, but when I read this box, I cried out loud. I want to pray for the spiritual growth of the children who lost a parent in the terrorist attacks so that they will meet again with their parent in the new world. Also, by means of this article, I was able to deepen my appreciation that as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, I have a bright hope for the future.

T. A., Japan

Even though I live in Germany, the events of September 11 were shocking to me and my family. Three months later, my nine-year-old daughter was still drawing pictures of a plane flying into a high-rise building. We are looking forward to the day when such tragedies will be a thing of the past.

E. G., Germany

When I saw what happened in New York, I prayed to Jehovah and asked him to give strength to the survivors and hope to the families of the victims. On reading these articles, I saw how my prayers along with those of many others were heard. Knowing that tragedy can come at any time led me to reexamine my life.

M. V., Italy

We especially appreciate the thoughts of people who personally experienced what happened. The statements of survivors brought tears to our eyes. We ask Jehovah to help all who are afflicted and pray that by means of Awake! they might find consolation. Being young, we are encouraged by the questions that cause us to reflect on our way of life and on our priorities. Our wish is that you never stop publishing this magazine.

T. M. and A. P., Slovenia

I am a 14-year-old student in my third year of intermediate school. When I read this series, I understood the fear associated with the incident. I saw how people gave their lives to save others. I knew from listening to the news that many firemen had lost their lives, but I had never felt it so personally before. I cried when I read the box “Tatiana’s Prayer.” During my first year of intermediate school, I too lost my father, on account of sickness. The box made me think, ‘Is the new world as real to me as it is to Tatiana?’ I want to give this magazine to my teachers at school and many of my friends. Please continue to print these wonderful magazines!

H. T., Japan

New Design It is a pleasure to see how the appearance of Awake! has improved since I first began to read the magazine in 1978. When I examined the January 8, 2002, issue, the pages really grabbed my attention. The titles of the articles stand out, and the illustrations are breathtaking. The layout makes the reading even more pleasurable. I feel sure that this new look will attract many more sincere ones to Jehovah.

V.P.L., Brazil