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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Wedding Day I greatly appreciated the cover series “The Wedding Day​—Making It a Joyful Beginning.” (February 8, 2002) Since I am young, I am preparing my mind for the important step of marriage. These articles helped me to understand how to make the preparations without the stress that is common to many young couples and also how to keep the union happy. Please never stop giving attention to those of us who are making an effort to put into practice what Jehovah wants from his servants.

F. C., Italy

It never ceases to amaze me how Jehovah provides guidance just when I need it most. The February 8, 2002, issue of Awake! is no exception. My fiancé and I have been planning our wedding these past few months, and we were beginning to feel the tension. The opening articles reminded us that these planning months really are wonderful and that anxiety only causes heartache.

H. M., Australia

Page 10 of your cover series implies that it is acceptable for a husband to leave the household if he believes he has grounds for separation. My wife and I find nothing in the Bible that supports this. In fact, the opposite appears to be the case​—the wife can leave, but the husband has to stay. Genesis 2:24 states that a man should “stick to his wife.” And 1 Corinthians 7:11 says, “if she should actually depart,” but then the verse adds, “a husband should not leave his wife.”

K. L. Australia

“Awake!” responds: Genesis 2:24 must be considered in its context. The divine injunction recorded there was not set out as direction regarding possible separation. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians clearly shows that Jehovah holds marriage in high esteem, and a couple should make every effort to preserve their marriage. Apparently, though, it was not Paul’s intent to create two standards​—one for the wife and another for the husband. Verses 10 and 11 urge both husband and wife not to depart, if at all possible. Reasonably, then, what applies to a wife would also apply to a husband.

Kea “Kea​—Clown of the Mountains” (February 8, 2002) was such a fun article to read that I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. Jehovah must indeed be a happy God! Only a truly loving Creator could bring something to life that gives so much pleasure to mankind. I look forward to the day when I will get to know that funny bird, the kea, personally. Thank you very much not only for this article but also for the many other interesting and faith-strengthening articles you write.

R. R., Germany

Shortly after my husband left me, I received the February 8, 2002, Awake! The cover on the wedding day was really hard for me to take. I thought, ‘Why couldn’t my husband and I be happy like the couple on the cover?’ However, when I read the article on the kea in the same magazine, I laughed out loud. I didn’t know there was such a cute bird! My heart was refreshed. It was as if Jehovah were encouraging me, saying: “Enjoy life!” Thank you so much.

M. Y., Japan