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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Teachers I have been an elementary-school teacher for the past four years, and I was delighted to read the series “Teachers​—What Would We Do Without Them?” (March 8, 2002) One disturbing trend I notice is that children are unaware of the difference between right and wrong. It is also a challenge when children fully understand their rights before they are aware of their responsibilities. Nevertheless, teaching is a rewarding career, especially when students are motivated and are progressing.

J. K., United States

Thank you for these articles. They helped me to understand how many sacrifices teachers make for us, even though we often do not do the same for them.

S. M., Italy

I am eight years old. Your articles about teachers helped me to see that teachers love the students. They love to teach kids, even when it’s hard. I gave my teacher a thank-you note. My four-year-old sister and I are learning how to teach people about Jehovah​—even if it’s hard sometimes—​because we love people.

T. M., United States

Four years after I left my teaching job, a student wrote to me expressing her appreciation for the times I had helped her. She enclosed a bookmark that she had made with her own hands. You can imagine how happy I was to receive that letter!

A. R., Slovenia

I gave this magazine to the principal and two teachers at the school my children attend. I waited two days and returned to get their opinion. They requested 20 additional magazines in Spanish and English to give out to parents.

M. M., United States

Last year I worked as an elementary-school teacher for four months. Other teachers I worked with said that a lack of appreciation on the part of parents made their work as teachers difficult. So I was really happy that this series highly esteems the work of dedicated teachers. When my term ended, I received many thank-you letters from my students. Each one is a treasure to me!

S. I., Japan

Ballooning Thank you so much for your wonderful article “At One With the Wind.” (March 8, 2002) Going on a ballooning trip has long been my heartfelt, though unfulfilled, desire. Your article was something of a compensation to me, however, because I really felt as though I had gone along on the trip! I could actually “feel” the basket lifting off and swaying from side to side. The world must seem so small from up high, yet it and mankind are important to Jehovah.

S. A., Germany

Guilt Feelings I really needed the article “The Bible’s Viewpoint: Feelings of Guilt​—Are They Always Bad?” (March 8, 2002) Because my expectations were too high, I found it hard to control my emotions when dealing with my partner in full-time evangelizing. But this article pointed out that constantly trying to make others feel guilty if they do not always do things the way we think they should is unloving and counterproductive. I am happy that I was able to adjust my outlook. Please continue to teach us Jehovah’s way of looking at things.

K. K., Japan