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Index to Volume 83 of Awake!

Index to Volume 83 of Awake!

Index to Volume 83 of Awake!


Badger (Britain), 11/8

Balolo​—“Caviar of the Pacific,” 9/8

Beloved Pet or Vicious Killer? 8/22

Cochineal​—Special Insect, 7/8

Coelacanth (fish), 9/8

Crop With Wings (butterfly), 7/22

Dolphins, 1/8

Drink From Exotic Plant, 5/8

Eye of an Eagle, 12/22

Frozen Grapes, “Liquid Gold” (icewine), 3/22

Gardening the Organic Way, 3/22

Golden Wattle (acacia tree), 8/22

Grass, 6/8

Guanabana (fruit), 5/22

Kea (bird), 2/8

Keeping Tabs on Wildlife, 3/22

Leaf in the Web! (leaf-curling spider), 7/22

Little Penguins, 10/22

“Love Apple” (tomato), 7/22

Mimics Under Threat (parrot), 7/22

Mother Bear’s Long Nap, 8/8

Ostrich Egg, 5/22

“Perfect Light” (firefly), 9/22

St. Peter’s Fish, 2/22

Seed Banks, 4/8

Snow Leopard, 5/8

So Long to Mature! (plant Puya raimondii), 3/8

Spider Masquerades as Ant, 4/22

Stealthy Hunter (lynx), 9/8

Vanilla, 9/22

Waste-Disposal in Insect World, 5/22

When Simple Is Not Simple (algae), 3/22

Wild Language​—Animal Communication, 4/8

Wild White Cattle (Britain), 6/22

Yurumí (giant anteater), 11/22

Zebra, 1/22


Balanced View of Work, 2/22

How Safe at Work? 2/22

Teachers, 3/8

Unusual Job (salvaging logs), 12/22


AIDS, 11/8

Brighter Days, Better Sleep, 3/22

Carpets, 4/22

Hair, 8/8

Healthy Fun (bicycling), 3/8

High Blood Pressure, 4/8

Honey​—Sweet Healer, 3/8

I Lost My Unborn Baby, 3/22

“Kangaroo Mother Care” (premature babies), 6/8

Nutritious Foods, 5/8

Postpartum Depression, 7/22

Protect Your Hearing! 5/22

Sleepy Teens, 7/22

Warming Reduces Infection Risk, 6/22


Comfort for Those Who Mourn, 5/8

Marriage a Permanent Bond, 2/8

Mothers, 4/8

Single-Parent Families, 10/8

Wedding Day, 2/8


Greece Supports Religious Rights, 2/22

Initiative Rewarded (schoolgirl), 5/8

Marathon Relief Effort (Texas, U.S.A.), 11/22

Persecution in Georgia, 1/22

Putting Awake! to Good Use, 9/8

Teen Takes Pride in His Religion, 1/8

Televised Debate (Georgia), 7/22

“Zealous Kingdom Proclaimers” District Conventions, 6/8


Abrolhos (Brazil archipelago), 12/22

Alabaster Carving (Italy), 10/22

City of Black Gold (Brazil), 5/8

Clothes Beaters (Mali), 9/22

Crazy Horse Monument (U.S.), 11/8

Era of Convicts (Australia), 4/22

Escaping Lava Flow (Congo [Kinshasa]), 11/8

Grass Bands (Solomon Islands), 1/8

Great Artesian Basin (Australia), 2/8

Great Irish Famine, 10/8

Hawaiian Luau, 6/8

Indian Railways, 7/8

Jangadas​—Brazil’s Sailing Crafts, 3/8

Masai​—Unique, Colorful People, 2/22

“Monument to the Devil” (Spain), 7/8

Navigating by Stars (Polynesians), 8/8

Olympic National Park (U.S.), 1/8

Port of Pearls (Australia), 4/8

Refuge for Bible Printing (Belgium), 9/8

Religious Dilemma in Colonial Brazil (slave trade), 9/8

Rock Engravings of Val Camonica (Italy), 4/22

Sanctuary of Mediterranean Wildlife (Spain), 5/22

Tall Buildings in Asia, 6/22

Ten Million Books in Glass House (France), 9/8

Tides of Evripos (Greece), 9/22

Treasures of Oaxaca (Mexico), 6/22

Vía Crucis Festivities (Mexico), 8/8

World’s Longest Road Tunnel (Norway), 7/8

Writing in Hankul (Korea), 5/8


Deadly Mission to Peaceful Pursuit (T. Niwa), 12/8

Despite Trials, Hope Bright (A. Hanák), 4/22

Faith Under Trial in Slovakia (J. Bali), 12/22

How My Dream Was Fulfilled (A. Žitníková), 2/22

Political Activist to Neutral Christian (L. Šmejkal), 6/22

Unique Reunion (D. Sheets, M. Ruge), 10/22


Add a Splash of Color (painting), 8/22

Advocate of War? (Alfred B. Nobel), 5/8

At One With Wind (ballooning), 3/8

Automobile Accidents, 8/22

Bagpipe, 12/8

Captured in Golden Teardrop (amber), 9/22

Chewing Gum, 2/22

Crossword Puzzles, 2/8, 4/8, 6/8, 8/8, 10/8, 12/8

Dams, 1/22

Discover Design in Nature, 12/8

Electronic Games​—A Dark Side? 12/22

Lipreading, 10/8

Listen and Learn, 4/8

Magna Carta, 12/22

Malls, 5/8

Mighty Vessels (icebreakers), 11/22

Numbers (numerology), 9/8

Perfume, 2/8

“Red Gold” (red coral), 11/22

Salt, 6/8

Secret Behind the Bubbles (champagne), 1/8

Surveying, 6/8

Tapping Earth’s Energy, 8/8

Tell the Difference? (keyboard instruments), 11/8

Thrill Seekers, 10/8

Two Faces of Fire, 9/22

Where Does Water Go? 10/8

Zeppelins​—Giants of the Sky, 10/22


Devil​—Evil Reality? 2/22

Dilemma in Colonial Brazil (slave trade), 9/8

“Monument to the Devil” (Spain), 7/8

Prayers for Peace, 10/22

“Private Religion,” 4/22

Refuge for Bible Printing (Belgium), 9/8

Tolerant Kingdom (Transylvania), 6/22

Vía Crucis Festivities (Mexico), 8/8


Discovery in the Eye, 11/22

Night at Midday (solar eclipse), 8/22

Reconcile Science and Religion? 6/8

Stem Cells, 11/22


Archaeology, 10/8

Christmas, 12/8

Divine Protection, 4/8

Feelings of Guilt, 3/8

God Approve of Warfare? 5/8

God Overlook Weaknesses? 11/8

How God Feels About Violence, 8/8

Michael the Archangel, 2/8

New Year’s Festivities, 1/8

Pornography, 7/8

Prayers That Are Heard by God, 9/8

Should Christians Preach? 6/8


Age of Rage, 2/8

Biological Weapons, 9/22

Children’s Sports​—Violence, 12/8

Day the Twin Towers Collapsed, 1/8

Earthquake Survivors, 3/22

Gambling, 7/22

Garbage, 8/22

Globalization, 5/22

Learning From the Past, 8/8

Police​—Why Needed? 7/8

Refugees, 1/22

Single-Parent Families, 10/8

Slavery, 6/22

Small Failures Become Disasters, 10/22

Still Safe to Fly? 12/8

Tourism​—Global Industry, 2/8

World Peace a Dream? 5/8


Being Attractive, 7/22

Cosmetic Surgery, 8/22

Need a Mobile Phone? 10/22

Occult​—What’s the Harm? 1/22

Peer Pressure, 11/22, 12/22

Preach to Schoolmates? 2/22, 3/22

Roommates, 4/22, 5/22, 6/22

Why Doesn’t My Parent Love Me? 9/22