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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Surveying I enjoyed the article “Surveying​—What Is It?” (June 8, 2002) My husband and I are state inspectors for road construction. Surveying is a daily task in our field. I was delighted to learn of its history, and your highlighting Proverbs 22:28 made it extra special. Although I know the pictures are merely illustrative, I would like to point out that we strongly insist that all surveyors wear safety vests and equipment. This makes them highly visible, since they often work on the roadside with their backs to traffic. Thank you for a very informative article!

C. S., United States

Warfare What a wonderful feeling I had after reading “The Bible’s Viewpoint: Does God Approve of Warfare?” (May 8, 2002) This very subject has concerned me because I am one of Jehovah’s Witnesses and people I meet in my ministry have asked me why the ancient nation of Israel fought so many wars. I have tried to explain it, but I did not have enough information. This article was so simple and convincing! I have copied all the points down so that I will be able to make use of them at any time. We really need such articles!

V. S., Russia

I was a frontline heavy-tank driver in World War II. The morning after capturing a strategic hill, an altar was set up in the field. I remember three tank crews kneeling at the altar and being blessed by the padre. Shortly after that, we were counterattacked, and the three tank crews were killed. My wife and I became Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1957, and by then we knew that God was not on either side of that conflict. Since then, we have been fighting a spiritual warfare, and we definitely know which side God is on.

F. S., New Zealand

Motherhood Thank you for the series “Motherhood​—Does It Take a Superwoman?” (April 8, 2002) I’m only 13, but these articles showed me what my mom goes through and what she will be going through in a few months​—she’s five-and-a-half months pregnant. Now that I’ve read this magazine, I’m trying really hard to honor her and show her more respect.

N. B., United States

High Blood Pressure Thank you for the fine article “High Blood Pressure​—Prevention and Control.” (April 8, 2002) I had to be hospitalized for sudden heart failure. After that, I read this article, and it outlined in great detail how to cope with high blood pressure. Of course, I received much instruction from my physician and a nutritionist. However, this article is written in a way that is easy to understand. From now on, I want to take good care of the life that Jehovah has given me!

N. I., Japan

I have high blood pressure, and I have been advised by health-care professionals to limit my salt intake to about two grams a day. On page 22, the figure of six grams per day, attributed to the Third Brazilian Consensus on Arterial Hypertension, seems high. Is it perhaps a typographical error?

F. S., United States

“Awake!” responds: The source for this statement recommends no more than 100 mEq (milliequivalent) of salt per day, which is 5.85 grams. A teaspoon, which is perhaps easier to visualize, would be 5.18 grams. As was acknowledged in the footnote, however, a person with hypertension or a similar ailment should consult a physician. Such a person might benefit from reducing salt intake even further.