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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Police I want to thank you for the cover series “The Police​—Why Do We Need Them?” (July 8, 2002) My father was killed three years ago in an automobile collision. Two local police officers delivered the news to our family and offered help and condolence. One even held my mother in his arms as she wept. I am sure that it is never easy for these officers to carry out such tasks, but what would we do without them?

D. E., United States

The cover series on the police has made me want to ask a question. Would it be appropriate for one of Jehovah’s Witnesses to choose this occupation? I assume that if a fight ensued, you might have to pull a gun and use it, possibly killing someone.

J. S., Australia

“Awake!” responds: Our cover series simply acknowledged some of the beneficial work performed by the police in maintaining order and providing other necessary services. Most of Jehovah’s Witnesses avoid employment that would require them to carry a weapon, since they do not want to incur bloodguilt by taking a life. (Exodus 20:13; Matthew 26:51, 52) It should be noted, however, that there are many people employed by law-enforcement agencies who do not have to carry any kind of weapon, and in some countries most policemen do not carry guns.

I just finished reading the articles concerning our need for the police. They were very well written and were sympathetic to the difficult job that policemen have in trying to keep a semblance of order in this chaotic world. My wife and I served as traveling ministers back in the ’70’s, and we stayed in a basement apartment in an old Kingdom Hall while serving a congregation in the inner city. It was warm, so we cracked open a window for ventilation. At two in the morning, my wife woke me up because two men were outside the window. I listened to them talking. One said that the window was usually closed. The other said that there was probably someone inside because there was a car in the parking lot. They were policemen, and apparently they regularly checked on the security of the Kingdom Hall. We slept more soundly after that!

P. S., United States

The articles on the police are timely​—and especially so after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, in the United States. Hopefully, we have developed a greater appreciation for the police, firemen, and other public servants who have the responsibility of protecting citizens and property not only from terrorism but also from criminal acts in general.

H. B., United States

Roommates I had been hoping for an article on roommates for a long time. When I read the article “Young People Ask . . . How Can I Find a Good Roommate?” (May 22, 2002), I was surprised to find that there are people who don’t necessarily want to become best friends with their roommate or go everywhere with him or her and that this is normal. At the same time, a roommate is a big help with finances as well as with housework. Thank you for teaching me a balanced view.

S. M., Japan

In two weeks I will begin sharing an apartment with a fellow Witness in Dresden. I must say that the good advice in the articles on roommates appearing in the issues of April 22, May 22, and June 22, 2002, is perfect and has come at the right time. Keep it up!

R. P., Germany