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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Relief Efforts This is a note to let you know how much I appreciated the article “Love in Action​—A Marathon Relief Effort.” (November 22, 2002) When the flooding began in Houston, Texas, in June 2002, my brother was in the hospital in a coma from congestive heart failure. His house was all but destroyed by the floodwaters. But our Christian brothers began repairs on his home even while he was still in the coma​—tearing out wet carpet and drywall and disinfecting his house. Their assistance allowed me to stay with my brother at the hospital. He eventually came out of the coma. The love and gratitude I feel for Jehovah and his wonderful organization could never be expressed in a short note.

P. H., United States

I am moved to express my gratitude for the wonderful privilege of being associated with such a caring, loving brotherhood. It was exciting to learn of how the volunteers gave of their time and resources to assist flood victims. It was truly a reflection of Christian love.

A. M., New Zealand

Religious Freedom Someone gave me a copy of the June 22, 2002, issue of Awake! with the article “A Tolerant Kingdom in an Intolerant Age.” Since he knew that I am a Unitarian, he felt I would be interested in it. He was right. I went to college in the United States and got to know Dr. Earl Morse Wilbur (quoted in the article) personally. I have also attended many lectures on the history of the Unitarians. But I would not dare to try to produce as comprehensive an article as yours!

M. M., Czech Republic

Choking Hazard In the “From Our Readers” section of the November 22, 2002, issue, I was shocked to read the response to the reader who wrote about hot dogs being a choking hazard for young children. Carrots are also a choking hazard for children!

A. R., United States

“Awake!” responds: We are grateful to this reader for these comments. A newsletter on the subject of child care says: “Although children have been known to choke on apple pieces, raw carrot sticks, cookies and popcorn, the four foods that have caused the most deaths are hot dogs, nuts, hard candies and grapes.” Even so, health care workers caution that carrot sticks may present a real danger for infants under one year of age.

Bible Printing Thank you for the article “A Refuge for Bible Printing.” (September 8, 2002) Today it is so easy for us to obtain a Bible in our own language that we can forget the sacrifices people once made for this to be possible. Reading this article heightened my appreciation for our loving heavenly Father and his care in making the Bible available to all honesthearted people.

E. S., Brazil

Postpartum Depression I could not help but write in response to the article “I Won My Battle With Postpartum Depression.” (July 22, 2002) I too felt strange after the birth of my child and had all the feelings described in your article. I felt ashamed to talk about it with others. I even feared my husband wouldn’t understand. So I suffered alone, not ever knowing what was wrong with me. How grateful I am to Jehovah and to you for this help! Although I may continue to experience depression from time to time, it will be easier for me to bear it.

F. L., Belarus

[Picture Credit Line on page 30]

Photo: Houston Chronicle