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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Safe to Fly? I am 10 years old and live in California, U.S.A. I am thankful for the Awake! on the subject “Is It Still Safe to Fly?” (December 8, 2002) There are 47 people from my school who are going on a trip from San Diego to Sacramento. I was worried that there might be a crash or a hijacking. But this article reassured me, and the information about updated safety methods made me feel more confident. I will try to get this issue to all my classmates who are scared or insecure about flying.

V. M., United States

Deadly Mission I was touched by the experience of Toshiaki Niwa as related in the article “From Deadly Mission to Peaceful Pursuit.” (December 8, 2002) I was born in the Philippines some years after World War II. Many of the war stories told by my family included the brutality of the soldiers. As a child, I used to ask, “How could they do that?” Brother Niwa’s experience provided much insight into this question. Thank you for publishing articles like this one. Such a life transformation is another proof of Jehovah’s magnificent power.

A. C., United States

Stem Cells I have been an Awake! reader for 20 years, and thanks to its articles, I have received a general knowledge of many subjects. When people started talking about cloning and stem cells, I could not understand how certain tissues could be reproduced outside the human body. Thanks to the series “Stem Cells​—Has Science Gone Too Far?” (November 22, 2002), I now understand how this is possible and why the subject is controversial.

F. M., Italy

While I was reading these articles, I felt frightened at the methods humans are using to cure grievous sicknesses. I thank you so much for your efforts to put these articles together and convey facts to us about these things. Now I look forward even more keenly to the day when God will cure all our ills.

T. F., Philippines

Love in Action The article “Love in Action​—A Marathon Relief Effort” (November 22, 2002) impressed me so much! What volunteers achieved in Houston those many months is powerful evidence that true love is in action among God’s people and that our Creator is abundantly blessing the efforts of his servants.

C. T., Germany

Reading this article, I could not hold back my tears. When the Elbe River flooded, 44 people from our congregation had to be evacuated. My husband and I were lovingly taken in by a family in our congregation, and our two grown sons were taken in by another family. Since this disaster, our congregation has drawn much closer together. As a family, we truly appreciate the relief work during disasters such as the one in Houston.

S. R., Germany

Fire I read with interest the article “The Two Faces of Fire.” (September 22, 2002) However, I take exception to the caption accompanying the picture on page 25, which states: “Stunned elk avoid a fire sweeping through Montana’s Bitterroot River valley.” I have an enlargement of the same picture, and the elk do not seem to be stunned. Smoke jumpers often see deer and elk along the fringes of fires they are fighting, and these animals are licking minerals or rolling in the ash. Even in large fires, they know what to do. They seem to take it in stride.

B. D., United States

“Awake!” responds: We appreciate the observation. Of course, no one can state with certainty just what emotions, if any, animals feel in such situations.