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Oil—Will It Ever Run Out?

Oil—Will It Ever Run Out?

Oil​—Will It Ever Run Out?

“Without [energy] the wheels of industry do not turn . . . No cars, trucks, trains, ships or airplanes could be built . . . Without energy, houses would remain cold and unlighted, food would be uncooked. . . . Without energy resources we would literally be back in the Stone Age.”​—From the “U.S. Geological Survey World Petroleum Assessment 2000.”

ENERGY experts theorize that oil supplies may eventually become exhausted. Some estimate that world oil reserves will last from 63 to 95 years more. In the meantime, other energy sources are being tapped, some of which have been used for decades. Among those that are renewable​—or can be replenished quickly—​are the following types: solar, wind, wave, hydroelectric, and ocean thermal. But at present, major problems remain involving their production and distribution.

The prospect of exhausting nonrenewable energy sources and only then turning to renewable ones is certainly gloomy. Oil companies are ready to take advantage of the limited time that they say oil is calculated to last. Unfortunately, there is every reason to expect that the social and environmental problems associated with oil will last just as long. Needless to say, the root of these problems is not oil itself. It is man’s greed and thirst for power that has given oil its bad reputation.

Happily, the future of oil​—and, indeed, of all sources of energy—​is not in the hands of the nations. Ultimately, it is in the hands of earth’s Creator and Caretaker, Jehovah God, who has promised that soon every environmental and social problem related to the use and abuse of the earth’s resources will disappear. (Revelation 4:11) As the Bible states, the time is near when God will “bring to ruin those ruining the earth.” Righteous rulership by God will result in “a new heaven and a new earth,” a world without selfish exploitation and injustice, where the resources of the earth will be used altruistically for the benefit of all obedient humankind.​—Revelation 11:18; 21:1-4.

[Pictures on page 12]

Alternative energy sources include solar panels and wind turbines