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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Sleep The series “Are You Getting Enough Sleep?” (March 22, 2003) was particularly timely for me. Because of my daughter’s sudden illness, I began to suffer from insomnia. After five or six days, I went to a nearby hospital, and with the help of medication, I can now sleep. However, your articles suggested that I also get sufficient exercise during the day but not just before bedtime. I will try to apply that advice as soon as possible.

T. M., Japan

Recently, I have been overcome with extreme fatigue. My family doctor examined me and came to the conclusion that I simply wasn’t getting enough sleep at night and that I was also being affected by a medicine I take for epilepsy. I questioned his diagnosis. But a week later I received your articles on sleep. I couldn’t put the magazine down, and after taking the test on page 9, I came to the same conclusion as my doctor. I am now trying the suggestions given in the article. Thanks for the timely information.

M. B., United States

Coconuts I want to express my appreciation for the article “One of the Most Useful Nuts on Earth.” (March 22, 2003) I recently visited Mexico, and I was able to see firsthand how truly versatile the coconut is! I saw almost every usage listed in the article. One additional use involves cutting off branches, stripping off the leafy parts, and bundling 10 to 15 of these dried, flexible stems together. It makes an excellent flyswatter!

D. S., United States

This article brought back memories of my grandmother making drinking cups from coconut shells back in the 1930’s. Many of her neighbors built their huts using the wood of the coconut tree, and their roofs were made of dried coconut leaves. I want to thank you for such beautiful articles.

M. B., United States

Breast-Feeding The “Watching the World” item “Breast-Feeding Benefits” (March 22, 2003) left me perplexed. I do not doubt that those who were not breast-fed may have deficiencies in their immune system. I was not breast-fed and have had frequent attacks of the flu. But to quote a study that indicates that those who were not breast-fed have a lower IQ than those who were shows a lack of sensitivity.

C. B., Italy

“Awake!” responds: It was not our intent to offend anyone. We merely reported the findings of a Danish study with regard to breast-feeding. Publishing such information allows parents today to make informed decisions regarding their methods of child-rearing.

African Proverbs I continue to marvel at the great variety of articles Awake! contains. I have been reading it for about 40 years, and I thoroughly enjoyed the article “Akan Proverbs​—A Mirror on Social Norms.” (March 22, 2003) It helped me appreciate just how important good manners are to getting along with our fellowman. I wrote out some of the proverbs so that I might refer to them from time to time.

D. Z., United States

Never have I read such a pleasant, amusing, and instructive article on proverbs. What a joyful experience to savor for a moment the norms of another culture. After each proverb, I paused to try to work out what I thought it meant. Needless to say, I didn’t always get it right!

J. K., Germany