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Index to Volume 84 of Awake!

Index to Volume 84 of Awake!

Index to Volume 84 of Awake!


Army on the March! (army ant), 6/8

Banana Plantation, 3/22

Communication, 9/22

Cranes, 9/22

Deadly Stingers (box jellyfish), 4/8

Flame-Feathered Dancers (flamingos), 1/22

Food From Your Own Garden, 12/8

Forest-Provided Services, 12/22

Golden Fruit, Colorful Past (breadfruit), 2/22

Golden Gift From Far North (cloudberries), 11/8

Gray Whales, 9/8

Great Migration (wildebeest), 2/22

Hippopotamus, 5/8

Insect Repellent for Monkeys, 8/22

Jewels From Seashore (shells), 1/22

Marmots, 1/8

Miniature Ear (fly), 4/22

Nairobi National Park, 6/8

One of Most Useful Nuts (coconut), 3/22

Orchids, 9/8

Parasitic yet Useful Wasp, 10/22

Peacock, 6/22, 11/22

Peanut, 4/22

Pesky Purifiers (zebra mussel), 7/22

Plants​—Source of Medicines, 12/22

Pollen​—Menace or Miracle? 7/22

Prickly Urchin (hedgehog), 4/22

Rain Forests, 6/22

Saved by Its Stomach! (spiny puffer fish), 3/22

Senses, 3/8

Tambili​—“King” of Coconuts, 7/8

World’s Largest Seed, 10/22

Worms (earthworm), 5/8


Choices That Affect Health, 8/22

Diabetes, 5/8

Herbal Remedies, 12/22

Insect-Borne Disease, 5/22

Making Pregnancy Safer, 1/8

Malnutrition, 2/22

Multiple Sclerosis, 11/22

Obesity a Global Epidemic, 4/8

Plants​—Source of Medicines, 12/22

Postpartum Depression, 6/8

Resistant Germs, 10/22

Six Ways to Safeguard Health, 9/22

Sleep, 3/22

Soap​—“Do-It-Yourself Vaccine,” 11/22

Stick That Cleans Teeth, 9/8

Sweat Bath, 7/22

Water, 6/8

When Child Has Fever, 12/8

You Need Your Sleep! 1/22


Bullying, 8/22

Childhood, 4/22

Communication, 9/22

Drug Abuse in Family, 4/8

Keys to Successful Marriage, 10/8

What Children Need From Parents, 12/22

“Women​—Deserving of Respect,” 10/8


After the Explosions (Ecuador), 9/8

Benefit to Community (Kingdom Halls), 8/8

Chemical Plant Explosion (France), 3/22

Chose to Obey God (A. Gargallo, Spain), 3/8

Floods in the Caucasus, 10/22

“Give God Glory” Conventions, 5/22

Love in Times of Trouble (Nigeria), 2/22

Memorable Open House (Mexico), 12/22

‘Obey God Rather Than Men’ (artwork), 1/8

Open House Touched Hearts (Germany), 3/8

Profile of Religious Community (student report), 8/22

Report Made Impression (student), 9/8

She Achieved More Than Expected (Germany), 5/8

Something No Storm Could Wash Away (relief work), 8/8

U.S. Supreme Court and Free Speech, 1/8


Akan Proverbs (Ghana), 3/22

Amazon​—Lifeline for Millions, 11/8

Barcelona (Spain), 7/8

Cenotes (Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico), 2/22

Crystal Moonbeams (Mexico cavern), 8/22

“Drum With a Thousand Faces” (Africa), 5/8

Eating Without Cutlery (Ghana), 4/8

Fence That Affects Weather (Australia), 2/8

Floods in the Caucasus, 10/22

Listening to Universe (Australia), 6/8

Lonely “Lady” of Bosporus, 3/8

Longest Trolleybus Line (Ukraine), 3/22

Madrid (Spain), 6/22

Mystery of Cahokia (U.S.), 3/8

Nairobi National Park (Kenya), 6/8

“Never Rains in Lima?” (Peru), 5/22

Ondol Home Heating (Korea), 8/8

Paniolos​—Cowboys of Hawaii, 4/8

Paracas National Reserve (Peru), 12/8

Piñata (Mexico), 9/22

Pitch Lake (Trinidad and Tobago), 10/8

Prague (Czech Republic), 11/8

Pygmies, 11/8

River Ran Backward (Mississippi), 11/22

Sailing on Reeds! (Lake Titicaca), 1/22

St. Petersburg (Russia), 8/22

Seville (Spain), 7/22

Solar Salt (France), 2/8

Spectacular Voyage (Norway), 5/22

“Steepest Street” (New Zealand), 5/22

Syria, 2/8

Tahiti and Search for Paradise, 8/8

Tour de France, 7/8

Visit to Jerusalem in Quebec, 9/8


Dress and Grooming My Stumbling Block (E. Brumbaugh), 12/22

Faith Under Trial in Nazi Europe (A. Letonja), 2/8

Foundation for Purposeful Life (E. Pandachuk), 10/22

Freed From Chains of Hate (J. Gomez), 1/8

How an Injury Changed My Life (S. Ombeva), 4/22

I Accepted God’s View of Blood (Y. Aizawa), 12/8

I Tried to Serve Two Masters (K. Payne), 7/8

Science Was My Religion (K. Tanaka), 9/22

Spiritual Thirst Was Satisfied (L. Moussanett), 6/22


Autos, Past and Present, 1/8

Crossword Puzzles, 2/8, 4/8, 6/8, 8/8, 10/8, 12/8

Disaster at Sea​—Tragedy on Land (oil spill), 8/22

‘Don’t Forget Brolly!’ (umbrella), 7/22

Fashion, 9/8

Get an Accurate Picture (Internet), 2/8

Man Copies Creator’s Design (lightbulb), 11/22

Math Is for Everyone, 5/22

Mobile Phone “Addiction,” 1/8

Mosaics, 10/8

Navigating by Water, Sky, Wind, 8/22

Northwest Passage, 11/22

Sand, 5/8

Shoes Comfortable? 3/8

Sketching Famous and Infamous (court artist), 4/8

Smiling, 1/22

Travel Tips From Experienced Flier, 7/8

Weekend, 4/8

Windmills, 10/8


Book Against Books (Catholic Church), 9/8

Galileo’s Clash With Church, 4/22

God’s Name on a Medieval Castle (Slovakia), 12/8

“Jehovah Is My Solace” (Swedish king), 6/22

Jehovah’s Name in the Pacific, 10/22

Myth Refuses to Die (Father Christmas), 5/8

“Year of the Bible,” 9/22


Galileo’s Clash With Church, 4/22

Listening to Universe (radio telescopes), 6/8

Miniature Ear (fly), 4/22

Senses, 3/8


Alternative Life-Styles, 10/8

Avoiding Speech That Injures, 6/8

Christian Unity Require Uniformity? 5/8

Ethnic Hatred Justified? 8/8

Freedom of Choice? 3/8

God Bless Us With Riches? 9/8

How Resist Wrong Desires? 12/8

Hypnotism for Christians? 7/8

Loved Ones Not Share Your Faith, 11/8

Must Christians Be Poor? 1/8

Unforgivable Sin, 2/8

What Is Materialism? 4/8


Bullying, 8/22

Child Prostitution, 2/8

Drug Abuse in Family, 4/8

Farm Crisis, 10/8

Malnutrition, 2/22

Oil​—Ever Run Out? 11/8

Pornography, 7/22

Privacy, 1/22

Save Our Environment? 11/22

Taxes Too High? 12/8

Values, 6/8

Violent Crime, 7/8

Weather, 8/8


Adopted Child, 4/22, 5/22

Cheating, 1/22

Get a Tattoo? 9/22

How Come Out From Parents’ Shadow? 10/22

How Come Out From Sibling’s Shadow? 11/22

How Succeed as Public Speaker? 12/22

Music Videos, 2/22, 3/22

Trying to Be Perfect? 7/22, 8/22

When Tragedy Strikes, 6/22