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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Rain Forests I read with great interest your series “Who Will Save the Rain Forests?” (June 22, 2003) I am not surprised that you highlighted the South American rain forest. Since those in Africa and Asia are in far worse condition, man could at least change his attitude toward those in South America. I am looking forward with pleasure to the time when God will intervene and put an end to the destruction of forests on our earth so that his creative works will be restored to their original glory.

G. R., Switzerland

Thank you so much for this series. For some time I have been researching environmental subjects, and as a result, my purchasing and recycling habits have changed. My heart aches to think of the vegetation that has been lost and the animals that have been displaced or killed because of man’s greed. Knowing that the Creator is aware of what is happening and will soon make changes gives me comfort and hope. Thank you for providing such beautiful articles.

V. T., Canada

I am a nature lover, and I have been concerned about the fate of the rain forest for years. I am happy to know that Jehovah’s Witnesses care about God’s creation. I am relieved to know that one day the rain forests will be safe.

T. H., United States

Tragedy Thank you for the article “Young People Ask . . . How Can I Cope When Tragedy Strikes?” (June 22, 2003) When I finished reading this article, I felt that Jehovah had given me guidance on a problem that I have had for many years. As a Christian, I understand that these “last days” are “hard to deal with.” (2 Timothy 3:1) Nevertheless, whenever I saw a fearful news item on television, my heart would be disturbed. I really got discouraged​—to the point that I would lose all my energy and, at times, stay home instead of going out in the ministry. I worried about things that may or may not happen in the future. But this article made me remember the importance of keeping up our spiritual routine and of pouring out our hearts to Jehovah and putting full trust in him. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your publications.

E. K., Japan

In January 2003, my grandfather died while hospitalized. This was the first time a close relative has passed away right before my eyes. This article contained the answers to my questions. My heart was especially touched by the subheading “Why Bad Things Happen.” It helped me to understand that what happened to my family was due to unforeseen occurrence. It did not mean that Jehovah had forsaken us. After I read the article, the fear that had weighed heavily on my heart disappeared.

M. O., Japan

Spiritual Thirst The article “How My Spiritual Thirst Was Satisfied” moved me to tears. (June 22, 2003) I was raised in a Catholic home and attended Catholic school for eight years. Although we never read from the Bible at school or at Mass, I always had an appreciation for the Bible and read my copy every night. Like Lucia Moussanett, I had a desire to do the things I learned about in the Bible, but I didn’t know how. When I started studying the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses, I became spiritually satisfied. Thank you so much for touching stories like this one!

K. F., United States