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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

April 22, 2004

Hope​—Where Can You Find It?

In this troubled world, hope seems in short supply. Do we really need it? Is there a way to bring more of it into your life?

3 Hope​—Does It Really Make a Difference?

4 Why Do We Need Hope?

7 You Can Fight Pessimism

9 Where Can You Find Real Hope?

13 Peru’s Unusual Tombs​—What They Can Teach Us

18 Why Do They Kiss the Blarney Stone?

20 An Ancient Oath With Modern Significance

23 Just Keeping Up Appearances?

28 Watching the World

30 From Our Readers

31 “Remarkably Rich in Meaning”

32 “An Answer to a Prayer”

A Clever Chameleon of the Sea 15

This strange, tentacled creature is a far cry from the deadly denizen of the deep so often described in myth and fiction.

What About Youth Dance Clubs? 25

They are getting more popular, but are there hidden dangers?