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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Cities I am 13 years old, and I was delighted to read the articles “Madrid​—A Capital Built for a King” (June 22, 2003), “Barcelona—​An Outdoor Museum of Color and Style” (July 8, 2003), and “Seville​—A Gateway to the Americas” (July 22, 2003). As a Spaniard living in Germany, I was happy to read something about my home country. Please keep writing such articles.

C.G.R., Germany

It is always a pleasure for me to read Awake! but I like the articles about different countries and cities the most. I was thrilled to read the articles on the cities of Spain. Then I was overjoyed to see the article “St. Petersburg​—Russia’s ‘Window on Europe.’” (August 22, 2003) I really want to see its sights and white nights. Thanks to this article, I got to “visit” there.

O.A.V., Russia

Insects I am grateful for the series “When Insects Spread Disease,” which contained the box “Do Insects Spread HIV?” (May 22, 2003) For some years now, I have lived in a city that has a lot of mosquitoes during the summer. I’ve lived with the fear that I was going to be infected with the HIV virus. Thanks to your article, I won’t be so anxious this summer!

J. L., Albania

From Our Readers I love to read the column “From Our Readers.” Sometimes I use comments from readers to motivate those with whom I’m studying the Bible to pay special attention to certain articles. The column shows that your efforts to reach people’s hearts are not in vain.

S. A., Russia

Sleep Once I started reading the series “Are You Getting Enough Sleep?” (March 22, 2003), I could not put the magazine down. Since my teens, I have often slept only two or three hours a night. This magazine has helped me to understand the need to seek medical help.

W. A., Taiwan

Water I work in the field of nutrition and weight control, and the article “Life’s Precious Liquid​—Water” was exactly what I needed. (June 8, 2003) In just one article, you managed to sum up everything that I learned in a 30-hour course on nutrition. I intend to use this information to help my clients.

J.F.S.F., Brazil

Postpartum Depression In April my husband and I became parents. After the birth of our son, I began to experience the things described in the article “Understanding Postpartum Depression.” (June 8, 2003) Everybody told me how beautiful our child was, but I didn’t even want to see him. I stayed home and cried. After I read the article, I hugged my husband and opened up to him, explaining how I felt. He was happy to understand what had caused the changes he had seen in me. I am grateful to you for writing about this subject with appropriate tact. You touched my heart.

S. V., Italy

Tour de France For a school project, I chose the subject bicycles. The article “The Tour de France​—100 Years of Cycling’s Supreme Test” (July 8, 2003) came at just the right time! I was even able to read my essay before the class. I have used many articles from Awake! for my schoolwork. Thank you.

N. K., Germany