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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Bullying Last night my seven-year-old daughter said that she didn’t want to go back to school because of two girls who always picked on her. I started reading the series “Bullying​—What Can You Do About It?” (August 22, 2003) These articles have helped me​—not only in assisting my daughter but also in understanding why people may act a certain way.

L. H., United States

At my place of employment, I was barraged with filthy words, humiliated in front of fellow workers, and ignored by one of my bosses until I quit. I still have deep emotional scars from that experience. However, having read the articles, I feel better, knowing that someone understands.

H. N., Japan

Reading these articles was like looking at my past. When I was a student, I was bullied every day. I wondered why. This series helped me to understand, and I gained comfort from it.

M. M., Japan

I was treated as an outcast at school, and my self-confidence was greatly affected. I was taught to laugh in the face of my tormentors, but you are right in saying that it is better to look them in the eye and calmly explain that it is not funny.

M. G., France

I have to admit that it was a real struggle for me to read the articles on bullying because I have been the victim of physical, verbal, and indirect bullying in my adolescence and adult life. After reading the articles, I now understand why I have experienced negative thoughts and lack of self-respect. So I want to express my gratitude for these articles, which provided practical and soothing advice.

A. M., Italy

Bullying is a problem I have struggled with every day since I started high school. These articles helped me to see that I am not worthless because I belong to a minority religion. As time goes by, I am becoming ever prouder of being one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and I am happy if I have to suffer because of it. I used to react with anger. Now I know what to do, and I am sure things will improve.

M. S., Italy

My twin sister and I are 16 years old, and we are in the same class in school. Our classmates know that we are Jehovah’s Witnesses, and they often attack us. The subject of bullying was presented very realistically, and this greatly encouraged us.

E. P., Italy

I burst into tears when I read the articles, for I recalled everything that my former schoolmates had inflicted upon me day after day for six years. As a youth, I always thought that I was the only one who suffered such things. I didn’t even know that this psychological terror was called bullying. Now that I’m a young woman, I’m all the more grateful to be informed about this problem. I feel understood at last!

A. P., Germany

I have suffered so many difficulties in school that sometimes I don’t want to go there. These articles, however, helped me to reevaluate my situation, and they gave some good counsel. I’m using some of the suggestions mentioned, and they’ve already helped. Thanks for such encouraging and helpful articles.

M. T., Russia