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Welcome to the “Walk With God” District Convention

Welcome to the “Walk With God” District Convention

Welcome to the “Walk With God” District Convention

▪ Millions will attend at hundreds of locations throughout the world. The first of the 211 three-day conventions in the United States will be held May 28-30, and the final one, September 10-12. Likely one of these three-day gatherings​—generally held Friday through Sunday—​will be in a city near you.

In most places the program will begin at 9:30 a.m. each day with a musical program. Friday’s theme is “This Is the Way. Walk in It.” The welcoming address, “Congregated to Let Jehovah Teach Us His Ways,” will be followed by a part featuring interviews with ones loyally walking with God. After the talks “Keep Proving What You Yourselves Are” and “Let God’s Word Guide Your Steps Every Day,” the morning session will conclude with the keynote address, “Walk With God in Turbulent Times.”

Friday afternoon’s session will include a three-part symposium, “Hosea’s Prophecy Helps Us to Walk With God.” Following it will be the talks “Do Not Put Apart ‘What God Has Yoked Together’” and “Showing Respect for Our Sacred Gatherings.” The day’s final discourse, “Good News for People of All Nations,” will provide encouragement to reach people of all languages with the good news.

The theme for Saturday is “Keep Strict Watch on How You Walk.” The morning’s symposium, “Walking Progressively as Ministers,” includes a part that offers further suggestions on reaching those who speak other languages. The morning program concludes with the important discourse “Walking With Jehovah by Appointment,” after which there is opportunity for qualified people to be baptized.

Saturday afternoon’s talks include “Avoid ‘Any Cause for Stumbling’” and “Wholesome Activities That Refresh.” The next presentations, “Jehovah Is Our Shepherd,” “Buying Out the Opportune Time,” and “Walking in the Path of Increasing Light,” each feature encouraging interviews. The session will end with the sobering discourse “‘Keep on the Watch’​—The Hour of Judgment Has Arrived.”

Sunday’s program theme, “Go On Walking in the Truth,” is emphasized in the talk “Youths​—Walk in the Path of Righteousness.” Next will be a full-costume drama featuring the ministry of the apostle Paul. Following that will be a talk that emphasizes lessons from the drama. The afternoon program will feature the public address, “Walking With God Brings Blessings Now and Forever.”

For the location of the convention nearest to your home, you may contact the local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses or write the publishers of this magazine. In its March 1 issue, our companion magazine, The Watchtower, listed all the convention locations in the United States, Canada, Britain, Ireland, and Malta.