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A Discerning Mother

A Discerning Mother

A Discerning Mother

A mother who discerns and cares for the needs of her children makes diligent efforts to supply them with nutritious physical food. She manifests the same diligence in providing spiritual sustenance.

Recently, a woman in Brazil wrote to the branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses in that country expressing appreciation for the publication What Does God Require of Us? “The brochure simply touched me,” she wrote. “On glancing through a lesson about practices that God disapproves, it immediately occurred to me that I should share this important information with my children​—two girls, aged 10 and 11, and a 5-year-old boy.” She added: “How important it is to have literature like this to teach God’s ways to my family!”

She also requested additional Bible-based publications. If you too hunger for spiritual food, both for yourself and members of your family, you can receive a copy of What Does God Require of Us? Simply fill in the coupon below and mail it to the address shown on the coupon or to the appropriate address listed on page 5 of this magazine.

□ Without obligation, I request a copy of the brochure What Does God Require of Us?

□ Please contact me concerning a free home Bible study.