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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Environment The series “Can We Save Our Environment?” was special to me. (November 22, 2003) I long for the time when Jehovah will cleanse his beautiful earth and bring it back to its original state. It saddens me to see what a mess man has made of our home!

D. L., Britain

I am 15 years old, and I used to skip issues of Awake! But after reading this series, now I want to read it regularly! The articles taught me a lot of interesting things about our planet. I later used this information in school and received a high mark.

S. V., Ukraine

Multiple Sclerosis Please accept my heartfelt thanks for the article “Living With Multiple Sclerosis.” (November 22, 2003) It has been nearly a year since I was diagnosed with that disease. I have lost the use of my arms, legs, and left eye. Before, I would often think negatively. But as your article suggested, I am trying to keep my sense of humor and to focus on positive things. Thanks for the encouraging article.

M. A., Japan

I have been suffering from this illness for 14 years. But it is not well-known in Japan. So when I learned that this article was coming out, I told my husband and friends in the congregation. Now my friends are showing more concern and helping me.

N. S., Japan

This article describes the illness and its progression and consequences so accurately! Questions that have been on my mind for years have finally been answered. Many of my closest friends have told me that they hadn’t realized what having MS involved.

M. W., Germany

I am a single mother of three children. I read this article while I was in the hospital with my fourth attack of MS. The article moved me deeply. As strange as it might seem, having this incurable illness has very much strengthened my relationship with Jehovah and my trust in him.

M. H., Germany

This article will help those of us who are affected by MS. Although I am now in a wheelchair, I share in the full-time preaching work, primarily from home by telephone. Because of my paralysis, a Christian sister wrote out this letter for me.

M. G., France

My MS was diagnosed some 21 years ago. I serve as a Christian elder, but the brothers have lovingly lightened my work load so as not to aggravate my disease. What a wonderful time it will be when, as Isaiah 33:24 states, “no resident will say: ‘I am sick’”!

E. C., United States

Mississippi Disaster I was shocked by the article “When the River Ran Backward.” (November 22, 2003) It tells me how powerful nature is and how powerless man is in the face of calamity. Your article has strengthened my resolve to trust in the Bible.

M. J., Mauritania

Although the events described took place almost 200 years ago, I had the feeling that they were being described by an eyewitness. While reading the article, I felt as if I were there, staggering from the fury of the water. I eagerly read each paragraph.

V. R., Russia