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Table of Contents

November 22, 2004

When Will AIDS End?

For some 20 years, health providers and medical researchers worldwide have labored tirelessly in the fight against AIDS. Are we any closer to eradicating this deadly disease?

3 A Cure for AIDS—Urgently Needed!

5 Advances in the Fight Against AIDS

10 When Will AIDS End?

13 Did All Roads Lead to Rome?

16 A Paradise Reclaimed From the Desert

22 Man’s Quest to Harness the Wind

26 The Allure of Ice Fishing

28 Watching the World

30 From Our Readers

31 Is Living Together a Good Foundation for Marriage?

32 How to Draw Closer to God

European Court Upholds a Mother’s Rights 12

A high court rectifies a terrible injustice against a mother and her children.

How Can I Cope With Failure? 19

Many youths are afraid of failing. Yet, everyone makes mistakes. How can you avoid the painful feelings of failure?

[Picture on cover]

COVER: UNITED STATES​—An AIDS patient prepares the combination of 14 different medications that she takes three times a day

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COVER: Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images

[Picture on page 2]

SOUTH AFRICA​—Two children await the death of their parents from AIDS

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© Paul Weinberg/Panos Pictures