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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Fraud You will never know how much I appreciated the series “Protect Yourself From Fraud.” (July 22, 2004) I run a small business from my home, and I was a victim of fraud. The feelings I had were just like those described in the series​—shame, guilt, and embarrassment over being so foolish. I did just what the series advised. I admitted my mistake, prayed to Jehovah, and talked to an elder who is my friend. With the help of these articles, I have been able to put the matter behind me. What a blessing!

T. G., United States

Premarital Sex The article “Young People Ask . . . What’s Wrong With Premarital Sex?” was a strengthening aid to me. (July 22, 2004) The thoughts expressed by young people quoted in the article were similar to thoughts I have had. The words that especially hit home were those of Psalm 84:11, which tells us that Jehovah will not hold back anything good from those who walk in faultlessness.

T. U., Germany

As a young person, I have always tried my best to remain chaste in Jehovah’s eyes, but sometimes it is a challenge. This article renewed my determination and reminded me that I am not the only one facing pressures from Satan’s world. Knowing how much Jehovah cares about young people is truly encouraging.

F. B., Botswana

Appearance I want to express my thanks for the article “When Concern About Appearance Becomes an Obsession.” (July 22, 2004) I am 21 years old, and I had been really conscious of the fact that I am bigger than other people. Now I want to maintain the glow of the inner person. It is as if the article were written for me!

N. U., Japan

Unfortunately, these days we are led to believe that we should have the perfect body. Sometimes it’s a battle, and it often depresses me that I’m not winning it. But I want to keep working on it, and this article is a tremendous help!

D. P., Germany

Post-Polio Syndrome (PPS) Thank you for the experience of Jack Meintsma in the article “Once Stricken, Twice Afflicted.” (July 22, 2004) I have suffered from polyarthritis for the past 23 years but have symptoms similar to those mentioned in the article. I want to thank Brother Meintsma for the information he passed on concerning helpful devices and reducing the demand on affected muscles.

U. K., Austria

I had polio when I was two and a half years old and PPS at 25. The doctors were not familiar with this syndrome, and they had great difficulty diagnosing it. Before reading this article, I had never found such comprehensive information on this subject.

J. E., France

My mother was stricken with poliomyelitis when she was six years old. The accurate description of the sickness has helped me to understand her condition.

T. V., Italy

I had polio at 18 months of age, and I am not nearly as affected as Brother Meintsma. However, I am somewhat drained of my energy as a result of weak muscles. The article helped me to understand how to conserve my energy. The greatest benefit from the article was to read that Jehovah sees and cares!

L. J., United States