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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Learning I am a teacher, and I have just finished reading the cover series “Young or Old​—You Can Find Pleasure in Learning.” (August 8, 2004) I often ask myself how you are able to write articles that are so concise, so clear, and so practical. I truly appreciate the enthusiasm with which you encourage people of all ages to learn.

F. S., Italy

When I was halfway through high school, I became so unhappy that my parents allowed me to learn on my own by means of home schooling. I am now 20 years old, and I’m happy that I enjoy learning again. Reading this series was a reminder that all people can love learning regardless of their circumstances.

N. G., United States

I am having difficulty with my oldest son, who is seven years old. He just can’t seem to enjoy reading books, doing schoolwork, and learning at Christian meetings. I intend to apply the advice in this series.

M. O., Japan

One of the recommendations in the article was to do brief reviews after studying, since it is common to forget things that were just learned. My wife and I are learning Hindi to help us in our ministry with the Indian community. I find it beneficial to write new words on a piece of paper. Afterward, whenever I have a free moment, I look at those words. This helps to impress on my mind what I have just studied.

E. T., United States

I am 56 years old, and a sign-language group was established in our congregation. Although my ability is limited, I joined the group because I wanted to help. Just when I was worrying about whether I would really be able to do this, I read this series. The information under the subheading “You Are Never Too Old to Learn” and the final article really encouraged me. I regained the courage to proceed at my own pace and continue with the sign-language group.

R. N., Japan

Glossies I want to let you know how thought provoking I found the article “Glossy Magazines​—‘Pick Me Up and Buy Me!’” (August 8, 2004) I never realized how those magazines could affect someone. I enjoyed the point that “artificial intimacy”​—knowing a face without ever having met its owner—​can stir the emotions of people over the death of someone they have never met. I was the victim of this once! My daughter is now interested in certain magazines. She and I will discuss this article together.

S. M., United States

Appearance I want to thank you for the article “When Concern About Appearance Becomes an Obsession.” (July 22, 2004) It seemed as if it were written just for me. I am 19 years old, and unfortunately, I have suffered from eating disorders for some time. It is not easy to cure this illness. Thank you for articles that deal with subjects like these. They allow me to think seriously on the matter, and I hope that they will help me to solve my problem.

G. L., Italy

Crosswords Thank you for the nice crossword puzzles. They help me to get to know Jehovah God and the Bible better. I am nine years old.

I. C., Germany

“Awake!” responds: The Bible quiz “Do You Know?” appears in certain language editions of “Awake!” that do not contain a crossword puzzle.