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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Infertility Even though I do not have an education in medicine, I read with great interest the series “Infertility​—The Treatments, the Questions.” (September 22, 2004) It is pleasing to note how highly Jehovah values human life. The objective consideration of the issues involved helps one to have even more trust in him. Many people in our congregation’s territory have been happy to accept this magazine.

V. P., Russia

My husband and I have tried to have children since shortly after our wedding. Now, years later, we are faced with the issues described in this series. It is truly uplifting to know that Jehovah provides food at the proper time. It was​—and is—​very hard to be told that you cannot have a child. But through research and through this article, I have been helped to draw comfort from the fact that we are not alone. We count it a true blessing that we can devote our time to serving Jehovah fully.

T. O., United States

Vitiligo Thank you very much for the article “What Is Vitiligo?” (September 22, 2004) I have had this disease for five years. But I have been better able to cope with it since you published this article. I am glad to belong to a Christian community that deeply cares for each one of us!

C. H., Germany

Living with vitiligo is mentally and emotionally challenging, to say the least. Jehovah is teaching us to be more sensitive to one another. I look forward to the time when I will have my natural color back.

B. W., United States

I have been suffering from vitiligo for the past 25 years. Just knowing that others experience the same emotional distress that I do is a great comfort. Many people have the wrong impression of this illness, but with this article they can gain an accurate understanding. Thank you very much for addressing this subject!

K. S., Japan

I have been affected by this problem for nearly 30 years. As a child, I was mocked by my peers because of my appearance. I have learned to live with the disease. Like Sibongile, I have decided to encourage others with the Bible’s promise that Jehovah will soon remove all health problems and the accompanying emotional anxiety that causes so much pain.

J. M., Czech Republic

My 19-year-old daughter has this illness. No one knows how many tears she has shed or how many times she has prayed to Jehovah about it. She loves Jehovah and recently became a full-time evangelizer. We are thankful that you publish articles like this because it helps us to feel Jehovah’s care for us.

S. S., Japan

I am a full-time evangelizer. I cannot explain how it feels to get stares and hesitation from others who do not want to shake my hand or embrace me because of my discoloration. Just having such a loving and accurate article brought me much comfort. Thank you for helping others to see that our condition is not contagious and for showing us that Jehovah cares for us.

C. S., United States