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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Friends Since my mom’s death nearly four years ago, I have had the opportunity to make some really good friends that are near and dear to my heart. The series “How to Make Real Friends” (December 8, 2004) made me think of how thankful I am to have them as friends!

O. B., United States

I am 11 years old, and somehow I could not seem to make friends. After I read this series, things changed for the better. I gave the magazine to a classmate who tends to speak ill of others. Since she read the articles, she has tried not to do that anymore.

J. K., Poland

Reading these articles confirmed to me that I have to be a friend if I want to make friends​—that I have to give of myself to others, according to the encouragement found at Acts 20:35. You provided invaluable advice.

A. K., Poland

I always had problems finding friends, even in the Christian congregation. Now I see that I have to be open, take the initiative, and not expect perfection from others. Jehovah really does give us answers at the proper time!

L. Z., Russia

Because of a number of physical problems, I find it difficult to associate with others. I decided to apply the information in this series. I was helped by the advice to open your heart and progressively reveal your true thoughts and feelings.

N. M., Japan

I talked to my schoolmates about this series during my lunch period. Because of this magazine, they are becoming familiar with God’s Word. Please continue to publish articles that highlight the practical value of the Bible for all people.

M. N., Japan

I followed with great interest the answer to the question in the box “Can Men and Women Be ‘Just Friends’?” No other magazine or book has provided such a simple and clear answer.

R. K., Germany

Your articles are always a great help. They strengthen us in our goal to do much for Jehovah and to make him our friend. Many thanks for the encouragement!

R.V.H., Germany

This series is exactly what I needed. I am 15 years old, and it is hard for me to make friends. The advice you gave will be helpful to me in cultivating and maintaining friendships. To think that I had been praying for advice on how to open up to others!

B. E., France

Unfortunately, some friends recently let me down, and I suffered greatly, since I felt alone. I was encouraged to see that Jehovah does not abandon us. It was also nice to read and apply the practical counsel on how to find true friends.

C. C., Italy

I want my daughter to grow spiritually. This magazine emphasizes that people of all ages can be your friends. I know this series will help her. It has helped me.

A. L., United States

I now know that I must reach out to others and change my personality in order to become a true friend. I am certain that Jehovah will help me.

M. Y., Canada