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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Serving Where the Need Is Greater The article “If People Only Knew!” (January 8, 2005) was exactly what I needed! In a society where youths are pressured to pursue material wealth, it is very easy to lose focus on putting Jehovah first. Davey’s success in serving where there was a greater need has motivated me to engage in a similar preaching assignment at the end of this year.

C. G., United States

I completely agree with Davey’s words that “there is nothing better than to serve Jehovah with all we have.” What a pity that not all young people understand this! I don’t regret my decision to devote the years of my youth to Jehovah’s service, and I intend to maintain my zeal to the end as Davey did!

A. P., Russia

Whether we are young or old, Davey’s zealous example forces each one of us to think about how we are using our life. I wish to express my appreciation to Davey’s parents, who raised their son with love. Truly, they can be proud of him!

L. C., Italy

I am 17 years old, and at the moment I am learning a trade. I have my whole life ahead of me. Davey’s example has given me further encouragement to give my best to Jehovah and to serve as a full-time evangelizer in the future. Like Davey, I have a strong desire to go where there is more need for Jehovah’s servants. I know that it would be the best way for me to use my life.

R. I., Finland

Where I live it is common for young ones to pursue a career or just to spend their time on personal pleasures. I am convinced that Davey’s example will inspire more young ones to think about the way they are using their life and the importance of fulfilling their dedication to Jehovah.

J. O., Sweden

This article made me review my spiritual goals. I had lost sight of them for a while. But Davey’s experience made me reflect on what people might say about me if I died. It also showed me that I too should take a closer look at my ministry. Keep writing such beautiful articles.

S. K., Germany

Living in a materialistic society, we need strength to fight selfish cravings. I will not forget the fine example of Davey, and I will do whatever it takes to be there in the coming new world to thank him for teaching me the valuable lesson that “there is nothing better than to serve Jehovah with all we have.”

O. G., France

I am ten years old. I know exactly how Davey felt because I pioneer with my parents in Taiwan. This article encouraged me. It’s good to know that there are other young ones serving where the need is greater. I agree with Davey that there is no better feeling!

J. R., Taiwan

Harp Seals Thank you for the article “Snow Babies of the Magdalen Islands.” (January 8, 2005) I had been depressed because of a lingering health problem. But seeing these cute creatures was heartwarming. Learning about them filled me with appreciation and left me in awe of Jehovah’s creations. I felt as if I could reach out and touch them! I thank Jehovah that I have one more thing to look forward to in his righteous new world.

Y. M., Japan