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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Doctors I recently read the series “Understanding Your Doctor.” (January 22, 2005) Thank you for conveying so clearly the feelings that doctors experience. I am a nurse, and I have seen firsthand the lack of understanding between medical personnel and patients. I hope that this series will help many to understand medical personnel better and to appreciate their work.

L. K., Russia

One doctor told me that he had read the magazine with great interest. He praised the research and said that he agreed with the series completely. Thank you for these wonderful articles.

H. Z., Germany

As a patient I had only been thinking of myself. But this magazine helped me to understand the stress that doctors experience. From now on when I receive medical treatment, I will not just talk about my ailment from my own point of view, but I will follow the advice in the box “Cooperating With Your Doctor.” I want to become a more discerning patient.

J. M., Japan

I am a Christian elder and a physician. I am especially affected by compassion fatigue, resulting from the large number of patients I see in a day. Being one of Jehovah’s Witnesses has helped me to deal with my career in a balanced way. I strive to be efficient at work so that I can have enough time at home for my wife and children and for my Christian activities. Awake! magazine helps me to be balanced and to stay focused on what is truly important.

P. R., United States

I take exception to the assertion that “some lawyers make frivolous claims to win riches.” Lawyers usually get nothing without a verdict or a settlement. To win a case, they must prove that there has been a breach of the standard of care. Having been involved in malpractice actions for over 30 years, I can tell you that I have rejected hundreds of cases before accepting one.

J. M., United States

“Awake!” responds: Our statement that “some lawyers make frivolous claims” was not a comment on the prevalence of the practice. Our point was that the frequency of malpractice litigation is a source of genuine anxiety for many doctors. Surely, wrongful suits do occur. Still, the reader’s comments are valid. The legal system has boundaries that can make it impractical​—if not unethical—​to file a frivolous claim.

Young People Ask I am 11 years old. I just loved the article “Young People Ask . . . What Should I Do When Others Tell Me Their Problems?” (January 22, 2005) There is a girl at school who has had a traumatic life, and she has told me all about it. To make matters worse, her grandfather died this past week. I found many points in this article that will help me to comfort her. It gives me much comfort to know that Jehovah fully understands what young ones are going through.

A. H., United States

I am 14 years old, and many of my peers come to me for advice. Once in a while their problems are not appropriate for me to deal with. I kindly explain why I cannot help them, and sometimes I share Bible-based information with them. Now my peers ask me questions about my religion. This has inspired me to use “Who Really Are Jehovah’s Witnesses, and What Do They Believe?” as the subject of a speech I have been assigned.

B. D., Canada