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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Energy With gasoline prices soaring in my country, I have to express my appreciation for the cover series “Can We Afford Cleaner Energy?” (March 8, 2005) The thought that in God’s new world, “Jehovah God will ensure that everyone living will share the earth’s abundant resources fairly” is reassuring.

M. N., United States

Solar System I have practically no knowledge of astronomy, but I read the article “The Man Who Unlocked the Secrets of the Solar System” with great interest. (March 8, 2005) The achievements of Kepler, who discovered the laws of planetary motion, are wonderful. But when I consider the wisdom of Jehovah, who created these laws, I cannot help but be filled with awe.

M. Y., Japan

Astronomy is one of my many fields of interest. I was surprised to read that Johannes Kepler did not always have an easy life. Thanks to Jehovah, maybe in the new world I will have the pleasure of studying the unknown galaxies of our universe with that scholar of bygone times. Please keep writing articles as well worth reading as this one!

S. M., Germany

Thank you for breaking down a hard-to-grasp subject so that all can begin to fathom Jehovah’s marvelous creations. Reading about Kepler’s discoveries and his adamant decision to remain separate from false religion invigorated me! I am convinced that you will provide timely articles in the days to come.

S.M.C., Britain

Extra Mile I was very much encouraged by the article “Happy to ‘Go the Extra Mile.’” (February 22, 2005) I was able to relate to the life experience of Claire Vavy, as I am the same age as she is and I have been a full-time evangelizer for the same number of years as she has. What caught my attention most about the article was the fact that the experience was related by a young adult of single status. As a single woman, I was strengthened by Claire’s zeal and by her positive attitude. The pictures of her throughout the article reveal her genuine happiness. That emphasized to me all the more that happiness is determined, not by our status or possessions, but by our love for Jehovah and our service to him.

Y. R., United States

Tomatoes I am 12 years old, and I liked the article “The Tomato​—A Very Versatile ‘Vegetable.’” (March 8, 2005) I am so thankful to Jehovah for creating a variety of delicious vegetables. I was surprised to read that there are even tomatoes with stripes! Thank you for such exciting articles.

M. F., Latvia

Crocodiles I was so impressed with the article “Can You Smile at a Crocodile?” (March 8, 2005) I have always considered the crocodile an amazing creature. I was pleased to read so many interesting facts that could move people to like crocodiles as much as I do. I look forward to Jehovah’s new world, where we can get to know crocodiles even better!

L. I., United States

From Our Readers I was born with a bone disease. The beautiful, uplifting letters appearing in “From Our Readers” (March 8, 2005) regarding the article “A New Face for Mailyn” moved me to tears. (May 22, 2004) Each letter had that special something that I could relate to and personally benefit from.

M. J., Britain