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From Our Readers

From Our Readers

From Our Readers

Mountains​—Vital for Life on Earth (March 22, 2005) Visiting the Grand Tetons was one of the most awe-inspiring events of my life. But reading about how vital mountains are amazed me. I now have a much greater appreciation for the mountains on our earth and for the wonderful Creator who designed them.

J. G., United States

When I see the beauty of Jehovah’s creation, I do not have words to describe how I feel. In spite of human aggression and contamination of the environment, one can still appreciate and enjoy the mountains. I find joy in telling others what will come about in the near future, as promised at Psalm 72:16.

R. C., United States

Young People Ask . . . Why Should I Do Manual Labor? (March 22, 2005) I work at a painting company run by my father, but someone told me that in this type of work, you do not need to use your head. The article, however, pointed out that Jesus and Paul worked with their hands. Now I am encouraged to do my work with even more enthusiasm. I want to try hard so that I can use this skill for Assembly Hall and Kingdom Hall construction.

M. Y., Japan

This article really encouraged me! It reminded me once again that our main purpose in life is to serve Jehovah God and that the vocation I choose should be in line with this purpose. That wonderful article moved me to improve in taking the initiative to do what is needed around the home. More important, the article helped me to get Jehovah’s viewpoint on manual labor.

Y. K., Russia

Life​—An Amazing Assembly of Chains (January 22, 2005) I am 15 years old. In my biology class at school, we are studying a topic called energy metabolism. When I took this magazine to school, my biology teacher used the article to conduct the class, showing the drawings it contained. After class everyone expressed a desire to have this magazine. It is clear from this article just how much wisdom Jehovah possesses. He is without question deserving of praise. I cannot wait for the time when every living thing will praise Jehovah!

Y. B., Russia

“If People Only Knew!” (January 8, 2005) I am 17 years old, and I have often considered moving to an area where there is a greater need for Kingdom publishers. David’s example strengthened my determination to move to such a territory right after graduation from school. Please continue publishing such encouraging examples. Young people my age need constant encouragement to move forward in the preaching activity.

K. O., Poland

I am 20 years old, and I was moved to tears as I read this article. I thought, ‘If I were to die while still young, I would not want to have any regrets because I put off serving Jehovah to the best of my ability!’ My goal is to become a full-time evangelizer soon. I am going to frame this article and hang it on the wall so that I never forget the feeling I had when I read it. Thank you for publishing such wonderful experiences.

N. N., Japan