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Millions Will Be Going—Will You?

Millions Will Be Going—Will You?

Millions Will Be Going​—Will You?

◼ Going where? To the “Deliverance at Hand!” District Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses! Hundreds of these three-day conventions, which began in the United States the last weekend in May, are scheduled to be held for months to come in cities throughout the world. Nearly 11 million people attended the 2,981 district conventions held in a recent year!

In most places the sessions begin at 9:30 a.m. with a musical program. On Friday such subjects as “Be Attentive to Jehovah’s Promises of Deliverance” and “How Jehovah Delivers ‘the Poor One Crying for Help’” will be featured. The keynote address, “Jehovah’s Provisions for Our ‘Everlasting Deliverance,’” concludes the morning session.

Friday afternoon’s session includes the talks “Jehovah Tenderly Cares for Older Ones,” “Deliverance From Painful Distress,” and “The Role of Angels in Rendering ‘Public Service.’” The four-part symposium “Jehovah​—‘Provider of Escape’” precedes the session’s final discourse, “No Opposing Weapon or Tongue Will Succeed.”

The Saturday morning session includes a three-part symposium entitled “Continue in the Ministry ‘Without Letup,’” as well as the talks “Delivered From the Trap of the Birdcatcher” and “Searching Into ‘the Deep Things of God.’” The morning program concludes with a talk followed by baptism in water for those who qualify.

The Saturday afternoon talks include “Keep a Scriptural View of Health Care,” “What Spirit Dominates Your Life?,” “Maintain ‘a Threefold Cord’ in Marriage,” and “Young People, ‘Remember, Now, Your Grand Creator.’” The concluding talk, “Are You Living With Jehovah’s Day in Mind?,” provides practical advice for our day.

Sunday morning’s program will include a symposium entitled “The Kingdom of the Heavens Is Like . . .” Four talks briefly discuss some of Jesus’ parables.

The morning program will continue with a talk that introduces a convention highlight, the full-costume drama based on chapter 13 of the Bible book of First Kings. The convention’s final session Sunday afternoon features the public talk “Deliverance by God’s Kingdom Is at Hand!”

Make plans now to attend. To find the location nearest you, contact the local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses or write to the publishers of this magazine. The March 1 issue of The Watchtower, our companion magazine, has a list of all convention locations in the United States, Canada, Britain, Ireland, and Malta.